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几杯威士忌酒似乎使我晕眩。A couple of whiskys seem to have gone to my head.

飞机令人晕眩地向左倾斜。The plane is pitching to the left in a sickening way.

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一位病人感觉头疼、恶心、晕眩。One patient suffered headaches, nausea, and faintness.

下次若再被脑部扫描弄得晕眩时,要好好记住。Remember that next time you’re dazzled by a brain scan.

相对于每一个令人晕眩、时髦、发型迷人的40岁以上的辣女。For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40

一个写了太多感觉的女人,这些晕眩和奇迹!A woman who writes feels too much, those trances and portents!

新来的同事令我惊为天人。她实在是美得令人晕眩。I am amazed how beautiful my new colleague is. She is stunning.

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苏克雷看上去伤还没好,而迈克似乎感到十分晕眩。Sucre seems to be hurting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.

例如,见到血或外科手术器械会晕眩。Take fainting in response to seeingblood or surgical instruments.

今天是我第一次发号施令——有些晕眩,但感觉很好。Here I am in my first command--a bit dazed but feeling very grand.

右佐匹克隆的副作用包括头痛、晕眩、反胃。Side effects of Ramelteon include dizziness, nausea and headaches.

有东西指住眉心的时候。为什么会晕眩。When the thing points to between the eyebrows . Why to meet dizzy.

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有人说傻鸭子,或者类似的话,但是我晕眩着不太清楚。You have as much right to be here as any of these daffy old fools.

一枪爆头造成额外的伤害,并造成极短时间的晕眩。A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.

我真正想画的东西美得让人晕眩。The thing which I really want to draw is beautiful so as to feel dizzy.

一枪爆头造成水人出什么装备额外的伤害,并晕眩很短的一段时间。WV-bLe A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stu for a short duration.

我有点兴奋,有点晕眩,好像自己成了它们的一员,在一起游戏。I felt elated and slightly dizzy like the kid who is 'it' in a schoolyard game.

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一级-用岩石轰炸一个区域,对其中的敌方单位造成100点的伤害并晕眩2秒。Level 1- Bombards an area with rocks, dealing 100 damage and stunning for 2 second.

此外男性没有发烧、体重减轻、声音沙哑、晕眩或咳血等症状。The patient denied recent fever, weight loss, hoarseness, dizziness, or hemoptysis.

泥雪被踢飞,溅在我们的裤子上,我们达到了一种令人晕眩的疯狂速度。Mud and snow kicked up, mottling our trousers as we sped on at an insanely giddy pace.