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也不卖画宁可挨饿也不丧失气节。He would rather go hungry than lose his national integrity.

东林学派的人文教育特别讲究气节。The humanistic education of Dong Lin School specially valued integrity.

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在命运的颠沛中,最可以看出人们的气节。In the fate of the Tianpei, the most we can see that people's integrity.

尽管拥有雄心壮志,但他从来没有丢失他的草根气节。Although immensely ambitious, he would never lose touch with his plebeian roots.

此板块凸显出人们对女性贞节和民族气节的坚守。This tectonic plate highlights the people to the feminine chastity and national moral courage persevering.

浙东学派的代表人物,都是爱国爱乡、具有崇高的民族气节和高尚的品格的人物。The representatives were the figures who loved motherland and hometown and possessed high moral characters.

我国的志愿军人在战场上英勇无畏,坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle, unwavering in loyalty, unmatched in honor and decency.

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而且范晔认识到东汉“重气节”、“贵信义”的社会风气对于维系其统治的长期存在是有一定作用的。Furthermore, FAN Ye realizes the importance of the general mood of society of integrity and good faith in remaini.

崇高的民族气节是民族之魂,是民族尊严的体现,是民族生存和发展的根基。The lofty moral courage is always considered as the soul of a people and the base on which a people exists and develops.

抵制日货是一种民族气节,是一种民族意识的呼唤,是一种经济制衡的手段。To resist Japanese products is a display of our national integrity, an awakening for nation awareness and a way of economic balance.

金丝雀没有再回去,它坚持着不输掉那点坚强与气节,要将出逃持续到底,直至自己变成一只翱翔的山鹰。Canary didn't come back, it do not adhere to lose the courage and integrity, will continue to flee, until himself into a soaring eagle.

学会宽容,不要用别人的过错毁了自己的生活。学会宽容,感受你气节的力量吧!Forgive, and stop poisoning your own life with the past transgressions of others. Forgive, and feel the strength of your own integrity.

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湘妃泣染斑竹的仙话传说,将男性文人的气节,泛化为女性对爱情的坚贞不渝。The fable that the bamboo have spotted by Xiangfei's tears makes the male scholar's moral integrity universalized into the female's faith to love.

孔子一生不耻没气节或巧言令色的小人,但他尤其最痛恶与貌似恭谨的伪君子为伍。During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly detested being around those phony gentlemen who appeared respectable.

他们确实做了不光彩的事情,但是特殊情况下,不得已的运动员也没有办法保持气节。Yes, what they did was disgraceful, but special circumstances prevailed, and sadly professional sportsmen do not in general take a romantic view of sport.

竹,未曾出土先有节,至凌云处尚虚心宁折不变,能够表达君子的气节操守谦虚而刚毅的精神。Bamboo, have not unearthed first festival, Lingyun office is still modest rather break unchanged, to express man's integrity integrity modest and resolute spirit.

自古至今不知有多少文人写下了赞颂梅花的篇章,但似乎总也写不尽梅花的气节和傲骨。Since ancient times, I wonder how many writers have written a tribute to Plum chapter, but it always seemed to have the integrity to write and proud and not the plum.

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他们针对彼时乡愿的无气节廉耻及缺乏是非善恶观念,提倡以讲学正学术来救正彼时学术与人心之不正。In response to the lack of integrity and moral sense, Dong Lin School proposed to correct the academic styles and the follies of people's minds through their lectures.

结论,明代中前期的文人士大夫的人生追求、气节操守和文学理想都深受到当时政治环境的影响和支配。Conclusions, the civilian rulers of the Ming Dynasty, their life pursuit, literary ideals, integrity and ethics are deeply impact and disposal by political environment.

其它一些作品,像“雪竹”中他同样抓住了竹的神和特点,展现了竹子即使在最严酷的环境里的气节。The spirit and personality of subjects is also captured in his other paintings like Bamboo in Snow, in which bamboo displays its dignity even in the harshest environment.