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云气漫山,随风四散,恍如隔世。The mist was scattered over the mountain by the wind.

保罗好像与现代社会恍如隔世。Paul showed he was out of touch with the modern world.

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站在阳光下、麻木的想着我爱你的点点滴滴,恍如隔世!Stand in the sun, numb think I love you bit by bit, warp!

突然觉得伦敦很像成都,我恍如隔世的故乡。Suddenly in my eyes London resembles Chengdu, my dear hometown in a distance of age.

如今我们只需敲敲键盘,点点鼠标,弹指间,恍如隔世。Now we just need to knock the keyboard, little mouse, a swing, an otherworldly between.

从太空中看地球时,你是觉得与人类恍如隔世呢,还是觉得自已与人类的整体更加密不可分呢?。When viewing the Earth from space, do you fell detached from humanity or more a part of the totafity of humankind?

从太空中看地球时,你是觉得与人类恍如隔世呢,还是觉得自己与人类的整体更加密不可分呢?When viewing the Earth from space, do you fell detached from humanity or more a part of the totality of humankind?

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氤氲中,生活,过往,关于他的一切,在一次次恍如隔世的回眸间终于被迟暮的夜色掠夺一空。Obscurely, life, the past, and those memories all about him, were completely spoliated by the the shades with her lingering eyes.

不时还会遇上身穿绣花棉裤的女子,复古风格让你恍如隔世。Still often can meet the woman that wears embroider cotton-padded trousers, if separate an era, style restoring ancient ways lets your suddenly.

而现如今,时尚元素占领着我们的世界,潮流向前推赶着我们,放眼望去,恍如隔世。And now nowadays, fashionable element is occupational our world, tide is pushed ahead driving us, scan widely looks, if suddenly separates an era.

蕊红已回到白府,下轿时有恍如隔世之感,双手不停颤抖且快将倒下,常绿立即上前接着她。Red has returned to the White House, the car as if GeShiZhiGan, his hands shaking and falling fast, evergreen came near, and then she immediately.

登上主峰,全岛风光尽收眼底,恍如隔世,心旷神怡,曾被游客赋予“十里绝尘埃”,“此向即洞天”的美称。Boarded the main peak, panoramic view of the island, warp, relaxed and happy, visitors had been given "ten must dust", "this to the cave" of the name.

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当我回想起高中阶段的日子里,它恍如隔世,我庆幸那段日子已一去不复返,我带着微笑展望未来。When I think back to those high school memories, they seem like a lifetime ago. I’m glad those times are over, and I can look to the future with a smile.

其场景带有南非族隔离时期的风格,时间和地点似乎给人一种既近在眼前又恍如隔世的感觉,电影的制作者们现在发现这种似是而非的东西令人无法抗拒。Its setting is apartheid-style South Africa, a time and place that seems both close and yet distant, a paradox that film makers are now finding irresistible.

如果你们不能走到一起,最初的甜蜜给你们带来的快乐可能是后来不曾有过的,那些日日夜夜一定会恍如隔世。If you can not afford such kind , The original feeling of your special love will be inestimable. The sweet feeling will emerge periodically in the coming days.

利比亚人的记忆恍如隔世,国家大部分的特权和财富都高度集中在以卡扎菲亲信和亲戚为首的小圈子内。Their memories will likely be of a cloistered regime whose privilege and wealth was increasingly reserved for a small circle of Gaddafi loyalists and relatives.

如果你们不能走到一起,准艾琳和准周小南们,最初的甜蜜给你们带来的快乐可能是后来不曾有过的,那些日日夜夜一定会恍如隔世。If you can not afford such kind of love my dear As and Zs. The original feeling of your special love will be inestimable. The sweet feeling will emerge periodically in the coming days.