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形容一个人是鼠辈。You are a rat.

“鼠辈轴心”如何?。How about Axis of Weasels?

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在这里,我们叫他们鼠辈。Mice, we called them then.

你破坏了我的伟大登场鼠辈!You spoiled my grand entrance, Rat.

遇到可怕的猫,这些鼠辈该如何是好?What should these mice do about a scary cat?

我现在说的是你你的鼠辈…I'm talking about you and your little mouse friend.

这些鼠辈早就在祈祷了,而且对我的产品垂暮已久。The rats are already praying and bowing before my product.

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中国应该灭了印度这些鼠辈然后再征服亚洲!China should attack India finish these rats and conquer Asia.

它不诸熟鼠辈的路径,也不寻迹虫蛇的洞穴。It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.

我们是天空中的骑士,沙漠中的鬼魂和泥泞中的鼠辈。We are the knights of the sky, the ghosts in the desert, and the rats in the mud.

是啊,像你这样的带着讨饭家伙的巴基斯坦鼠辈,在你们主子印度人面前真是丢脸可笑!Yeah, Pakistani Rats like u here with begging bowl in front of your masters the Indians.

鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.

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那些‘鼠辈将军们’还没有等到荣誉降临到头上,就悉数被黄鼠狼擒获成了他们的美餐。The generals, not being able to get in on account of the ornaments on their heads, were all captured and eaten by the Weasels.

当然,这些鼠辈必须接受训练,专以人类为搜寻目标,而且还必须发出信号,让地面上的搜救者知道它们的位置。Of course, the animals have to be taught to home in on people, and then they must signal their position to rescuers on the surface.

一份据说是卡扎菲发出的广播讲话,呼吁的黎波里民众清除那里所谓的罪犯,叛徒和鼠辈。An audio message said to be from Gadhafi called on the residents of Tripoli to clear the city of what he called criminals, traitors and rats.