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救助艇的最大工作负荷是非曲直14KN。The mar working load is 14KN.

他们正在激烈争论这个事件的是非曲直。They are disputing about the rights and wrongs of the case.

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妈妈,我长大了,我已大白是非曲直短长了,您就放心吧。Mum, I grew up, I already know right frow wrong , you can count to me.

我们本着事情的是非曲直,客观、公正处理。We deal with the issue fairly and objectively according to its own merits.

对于本周辩论各方论点的是非曲直,读者们必须自己拿主意。Readers must make up their own minds on the merits of the arguments this week.

评估每个案例的是非曲直时,你必须能够捍卫你的决定。In evaluating themerits of each case, you must be able to defend your decision.

对同一类型的机床,一起玩,就其本身的是非曲直评论。The same type of machine tools, play together, comment on the merits of its own.

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在这部分论述克尔凯郭尔的是非曲直社会上和道义上正确的生活。In this part Kierkegaard discusses the merits of a social and morally proper life.

关于这件事,我唯一的驳斥办法,只有把他和我家的关系全部说给你听,请你评判一下其中的是非曲直。Wickham, I can only refute it by laying before you the whole of his connection with my family.

我们是主张,根据事情的是非曲直,公正、客观地对待和处理国际和地区局势。We uphold to treat and handle the international and regional situations fairly and objectively.

与其跟他们争论这个或那个画家的是非曲直,我倒不如利用这些时间在比安卡的睡椅上打个盹儿。I preferred to doze on Bianca's couch rather than argue about the merits of this or that painter.

在那些既是顾影自怜而又自命不凡的字眼后面,事情本身的是非曲直是无可争辩的。Behind the words, at once self-pitying and vainglorious, the merits of the case were overwhelming.

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你对自己判断是非曲直的能力越自信,你看人就会越准。The more confident you feel about what's right and wrong, the better judge of character you'll be.

价值投资者一只只地寻求便宜的证券,按照其自身的是非曲直分析每一种情况。Value investors search for bargains security by security, analyzing each situation on its own merits.

北京方面无疑会提供一个不同的视角,但其中的是非曲直与此无关。Beijing would doubtless offer a different perspective, but the rights and wrongs are beside the point.

在协助和说服机构的时候,供应商应该按事情的是非曲直为那家公司考虑OSS。When assisting and advising institutions, vendors should consider OSS on its merits to that institution.

超越自我代表了社会的是非曲直,要把个人的一生传世下去。The superego represents the rights and wrongs of the society as handed down to an individual over their lifetime.

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鉴于根据是非曲直的判断,联邦电信委员会立场是站不住脚的,所以不能用来限制“阿什巴克”的听证权。Because the fcc's position was invalid on the merits it could not be used to circumscribe the ashbacker hearing right.

“也许是吧,”他说,“先生们根据情况来划定是非曲直,这我不会限制。Like enough, ' said he. 'I would set no limits to what gentlemen might consider shipshape, or might not, as the case were.

中方将根据事情的是非曲直,公正、客观地作出判断,决定立场。China will make its own judgment fairly and objectively and decides on its position according to the own merits of the issue.