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死角,是那宫殿的名字。Corner, name of my seraglio.

清道夫的清污效果,吸力大,不留死角。Clean-up effects, great suction, leaving no.

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这家饭店没有太平梯,是个十足的消防死角。The hotel has no fire escape-it a real firetrap.

有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。some wcs still is the dead angle in this sweepup activity.

看起来,美联储好像已经把自己逼到死角了。It seems that the Fed might have painted itself into a corner.

有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。Some toilets seem to be the blind spots of this great cleanup.

迪沙听到声音,她们贴着墙处在死角上才没被看见。Dean sand heard the voice, they wall in the corner on didn't be seen.

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旋流流态化,克服了沟流及死角现象。Fluidization of rotational low, it overcomes channel low and dead corner.

在寻找证据的过程中,他们也在把好战的朝鲜政府逼向死角。In doing so, it pushes the belligerent regime in Pyongyang into a corner.

如果你的意见能“盛住水”,那么就没有死角无懈可击。If your argument can hold water, it is strong and does not have any holes.

在这些被忽略的公共卫生死角中,可有“他人”的概念?Is the concept of 'others' seen in these neglected corners of public hygiene.

但你不能让担忧像疯狗一样失控,将你逼至死角。But you can’t let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small corner.

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在这些被忽略的公共卫生死角中,可有“他人”的概念?In such missing public corners full of filth, are there any ideas concerning others?

为了避免语言的“卫生死角”,请使用最简单的有效的技术。Avoid the language's "dusty corners. " Use the simplest techniques that are effective.

在这些被忽略的公共卫生死角中,可有“他人”的概念?Is there any consciousness of the 'others' at these forgotten corners of public health?

视野死角主要为临近开窗口的前壁以及小部分的内侧壁。The dead angle is the frontal wall near with the open window, and a little inferior wall.

而在其他时间,海王星撞毁了你砖墙和运行了死角。And at other times, Neptunes has you crashing into brick walls and running down dead ends.

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口腔清洁如同打仗一样,而牙菌斑就是牙齿的敌人,它躲在死角里。Oral care is like battling. The enemy of tooth is dental plaque, which hides in the dead corner.

这块地方是个白色的死角,充满着在暴风雪中回响的古怪的含糊不清的声音。The yard was a white wilderness, full of half-heard sounds that echoed strangely amidst the storm.

我们看到死角和失败的预言,所有的这些“不可避免”,永远不会来到。We see the dead-ends and the false predictions, all the "inevitabilities" that never came to pass.