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氡和石棉。Radon and asbestos.

为何石棉成为问题?Why is asbestos a problem?

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抗热冲击,不含石棉。Thermal shock, non-asbestos.

石棉是一种绝缘的材料。Asbestos is a nonconducting material.

填料和垫圈是不含石棉的材料。Packing and gaskets to be non-asbestos.

“唯一的毛病是外墙是石棉的。”她说。“Only problem is the siding is asbestos,” she says.

石棉用于阻燃剂,可能导致癌症。Asbestos, used as a flame retardant, can cause cancer.

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受到破坏的石棉可能会向空气中释放微细纤维。Disturbing asbestos can release microscopic fibers to the air.

谢谢您的提醒,不过我的衣服是石棉做的。Thank you for your aming, but my clothes are made of asbestos.

所有病例均无明显石棉接触史。All the cases had no evidently history of exposure to asbestos.

强度按青石棉,温石棉,铁石棉顺序下降。The strengths decrease in order crocidolite chrysotile, amosite.

这是因为在致癌作用的石棉粒子。This is because of the carcinogenic effect of asbestos particles.

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石棉水泥、纤维素水泥或类似材料的制品。Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like.

填料一般用浸油或涂有石墨的石棉绳。Filler generally Baptist oil or graphite coated with asbestos rope.

每三名职业性癌症死亡病例中,就有一例是由石棉引起的。One in three deaths from occupational cancer is caused by asbestos.

为消除石棉相关疾病,世卫组织在做何事?What WHO is doing for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases?

结论颗粒状铁石棉粉尘具有致癌作用。Conclusion Amosite granular dust has the effects of causing carcinoma.

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并数值模拟了石棉大渡河大桥进行损伤识别研究。Numerical simulation of Dadu River Bridge damage recognition was done.

我们的无石棉密封产品通过欧洲技术检测。Our Non-asbestos Sealing Products pass across European technical check.

各种石棉板、保温材料、等各种密封材料等。Asbestos board, insulation materials, and various sealing materials etc.