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在山民的掩护下,我匆匆逃离。Under the cover of the mountain , I hurried to flee.

山民房子边堆起的柴薪,整齐而清洁。House of Mountaineers stacks the firewood, neat and clean.

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长年风雨不断、洪水泛滥,山民无法生存。Plenty of rain caused many floods, thus the villagers lived miserably.

刘山民,1946年生。作家,画家,国家一级美术师。现居北京。Liu Shanmin, born in 1946, is a writer, painter. He now lives in Beijing.

对不起打断一下,不过我刚才听你说山民往往不友善,是吗?Sorry to interrupt, but did I hear you say mountain people are often hostile?

对不起打断一下,不过我刚才听你说山民往往生病,是吗?Sorry to interrupt, but did I hear you saying mountain people were often hostile?

在特纳的眼睛,山民太久居住在他们的固有码旁边。In Turner's eye, the mountain people had been living by their own code for too long.

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掳掠过来的山民则被带到悬崖边上,逼其跳到对面崖顶,跳过者可活命。The looted villagers were brought to the brink and compelled to jump across the cliff.

另外是南部的马来族,汶族,高棉族以及各种本地的山民。Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south, Mon, Khmer and various indigenous hill tribes.

修好这条路后,山民们可以和山外的人们交换他们的产品。Having built the road, the mountain villagers can trade their products with people out of mountain.

明清时山民多在此采青桐芽制茶,名“女儿茶”。Ming and Qing dynasties, when more than in this adopted Qingtong mountain tea buds, were "her tea."

瑞士山民用阿尔卑斯号吹奏的放牧调,是呼唤牛群集合到牧场上来放牧的信号。With the Alphorn, Swiss mountaineers blow ranz des vaches as a sign to call cattle to grazing land.

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牧场充足的花草给当地山民年度最重要的收成之一提供了保障。The profusion of meadow flowers provides the local hill people with one of their treasured harvests.

道路一旦可以通告,山民们便匆匆进城去添置生活用品。As soon as the road became passable, the mountain folk at once lit out for town to get fresh supplies.

突击队在越南充当了原住居民——山民的领导者和顾问的角色。In Vietnam green berets act as leaders and advisors to an indigenous population known as the Montagnards.

当山民们在远处发现这两个丛林人举止异常时,他们把这一情况报告给了当地政府。When the foragers saw the two jungle men from a distance acting abnormally, they alerted local authorities.

和周围环境融浑一体,一连几天骑在马背上,我们自封为真正的山民。Blending with our surroundings, riding our horses for days at a time, we considered ourselves real mountain men.

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日本农林水产省决定禁止福岛县蘑菇上市,并且禁止山民上山采摘蘑菇。Japan's Agriculture Ministry decided to ban mushrooms listed Fukushima, and prohibit mountain mountains picking mushrooms.

一位老山民和年轻的妻子闹离婚对簿公堂,可对孩子的监护权问题很难处理。An old mountaineer and his young wife were getting a divorce in the local court. But custody of the children was a problem.

在布托和昭觉两县的诺苏彝族村庄里,我被诺苏彝族山民们对于他们的传统的怀念和依恋所深深打动。In secluded Nuosu villages of Butuo and Zhaojue counties, I was struck by the attachment of the Nuosu hill people to their time-honored ways.