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在少林寺学功夫,中国Kung fu at Shaolin Temple, China

少林寺能拯救中国足球吗?Can Shaolin Temple save Chinese football?

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少林寺中的和尚们在列队祷告。Monks file to prayer in the Shaolin Temple.

少林寺的和尚们还在世界上进行巡回表演。Its monks also go on world tours to perform feats.

但对其他人来说,少林寺的魔力正在减弱。But for others the magic of Shaolin is wearing thin.

钱先生转述少林寺方丈释永信的话说。Mr. Qian relayed Shaolin Temple abbot Shi as saying.

少林寺位于河南省登封市。Shaolin Temple is located in Dengfeng Henan province.

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之后还派了兵马包围住少林寺。After also sent from encirclement of the shaolin temple.

希望籍此机会也揭开少林寺的面纱。It is the chance to expose the mystery of Shaolin Temple.

指少林寺。亦泛指佛教名寺。Refer to Shaolin Temple. Also refers to Buddhist temples.

几千年来没有女人进过少林寺。For thousands of years no girl had entered SHAOLIN TEMPLE.

昨天我们参观了少林寺的大雄宝殿。Yesterday, we visited Daxiong temple hall of Shaolin Temple.

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河南少林寺中游人如潮。A sea of tourists walks passed the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.

少林寺德高望重的大师亲自演示了这古老的运动。Shaolin's revered grandmaster himself demonstrates the ancient moves.

少林寺股份有限公司要上市了,你怎么看?What do you think of the IPO of the Shaolin Temple Limited Corporation?

我五风的时候,就在少林寺学了少林功夫。When I was fine years old,I learned Shao Lin Kungfu in Shao Lin Temple.

贫僧乃少林寺方丈,法号梦遗。Monk of deficient is Shaolin Temple abbot, law order nocturnal emission.

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少林和尚要不停地到外地去讲课,这正是柏林少林寺成功的一个标志。The monk's frequent road trips are a sign of the Berlin temple's success.

在古代的时候,有一个少林寺的方丈到外地化缘。In ancient times, when there is a Shaolin abbot of appealing to the field.

自从火烧少林寺后,南少林派五老亦各奔东西。Shaolin Temple since the fire, the South Shaolin sent five old has parted.