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如果你一开始走了弯路,问题很快又会出现。“If you do it wrong, it will come back again”.

并且不要在过程中被葫芦迷惑而走了弯路。And try not to get detoured by Hulu along the way.

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我真心的希望大家可以向我一样少走点弯路。I sincerely hope we can go point to a small roundabout, like me.

在人生的路上,有一条路每个人非走不可,那就是弯路。In the way of life, there is a way everyone must go, that's a detour.

没错,营销者将是带头者,并且很可能走很多弯路。And yes, marketers will lead the way, and probably get a lot of it wrong.

这是一个很慢的过程,也是一条弯路,但是会更好地确保你能够到达目的地。It will be slow progress and a zigzag path, but it is a more sure footed way to get there.

生活中分岔路口时必不可少的,就像人生中只有弯路作伴才是完整的一样。Essential points, fork in the road in life, just like in life only detours company is complete.

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不过,艰难困苦,迷离弯路都是必须经历的挫折。But hardships & difficulties , wrong paths & crocked roads are the frustration he has to experience.

生活是如此短促,绕弯路是多么不明智,更不用说花太多的时间去等待。Life is so short that it is not wise to take roundabout ways, nor can we spend much time in waiting.

也许上帝让妳在遇见那个对的人之前走暸许多弯路,所以,当这一切发生的时候,要心存感激!Before the right one, God may arrange for you many wrong people, for whom you should always be grateful.

要说巴以和平进程,也就是最近的两年里开始走了弯路。The peace process between Israel and the Palestinians has all but disintegrated over the past two years.

这些弯路的每一个都需要两次服务器往返才能让用户回到其之前所在位置。Yet each of these detours requires two server round-trips just to get the users back to where they were.

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但如果你能培养一种强大的能力,让你忽视对于未知的恐惧,你将少走许多弯路。If you can develop a keen ability to ignore fear of the unknown, you can take years off your learning curve.

从业务人员即时反馈回来的信息,可以避免你在构建业务应用时走上弯路。Immediate feedback from the business can save you from building the wrong domain concept into an application.

步行了一英里半之后,他们在海岸上找不着拐回北边去的弯路了。After a walk of a mile and a half, the shore presented no curve which would permit them to return to the north.

我希望你可以从我的经验中学点什么,这样你就不用走一些我走过的弯路了。I hope you can learn from my experiences, so that you don’t waste as much time as I did fighting the inevitable.

李震出来了,他真诚的跟江源道了歉,江源没有怪他,年轻人走些弯路也正常。Li zhen came out, he sincerely with kangwon apologized, font blame him, young man walk some detours also normal.

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现在,多次执行此结帐过程并通过其他弯路进入登录和折扣过程。Now run through the checkout path a couple more times and take detours through the login and discount processes.

单就到我们这儿住院的患儿讲,绝大多数在就诊的过程中都走过弯路。We are here alone to the children's hospital , in the vast majority of patients are in the process made a detour.

李四光的学术误解及其社会名望导致中国东部第四纪冰川的研究走过了一段弯路。Lee's academic misunderstanding and social status is an obstacle to the Quaternary Glacial study in eastern China.