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日本在1910年吞并了韩国。Japan annexed Korea in 1910.

印度在1975年吞并了锡金。India annexed the Sikkim in 1975.

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该帝国吞并了许多小国。The empire absorbed many small nations.

1846年,美国吞并了新墨西哥!In 1846, the United States annexed New Mexico.

一家大型的多国公司吞并了这家企业。A huge multi-national swallowed up the business.

日本于1895年吞并了其所谓的无人认领的岛屿。Japan annexed what it says were unclaimed islands in 1895.

大多数华族琉球人在日本吞并战争时被通缉。Most of the Kumemura wanted war with Japan during annexation.

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五年后,日本正式吞并了整个半岛。Five years later, Japan formally annexed the entire peninsula.

第二次世界大战中,纳粹德国几乎吞并了整个欧洲。Nazi Germany nearly swallowed up the whole Europe in World War Ⅱ.

我们不愿浪费一分钟用在吞并市场上。Cannibalization is not something we are spending one minute on here.

突来一阵狂风,白蘑菇云一点点地被乌云“吞并”了,黑压压的。Sudden gust the mushroom cloud, a little black cloud" annex", black.

1879年,日本吞并琉球并改称冲绳县。Japan seized Ryukyu in 1879 and changed its name to Okinawa Prefecture.

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锡金并入印度?更像是被印度侵略和吞并。Sikkim merged with India? Invaded and annexed by India is more like it.

我们没有观测更多AGN母星系的吞并。“We don’t observe more mergers in the AGN host galaxies,” Cisternas said.

殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们吞并的领土。The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.

当然,通过吞并每一个岛屿或者周边国家来维护绝对和平。Yeah sure- will maintain absolute peace by gobbling up every island or country there.

星体燃烧了核内的氦,吞并了行星或伴星吗?Did the star ignite helium at the core, swallow a planet, or swallow a companion star?

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最初西西亚人在此定居,1784年被俄罗斯吞并。Originally settled by Scythians, it was annexed by Russia in1784. Population, 331, 000.

1938年德国吞并奥地利时,他全家逃往中国,并在上海定居下来。At the Anschluss in 1938, his family fled Austria for China, and he settled in Shanghai.

迪多斯是加拿大唯一被地狱天使吞并的车队。The Bandidos was one of the only groups in Canada that was swallowed by the Hell's Angels.