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敌人的致命处在海防。The enemy’s Achilles’ heel was his harbour defense.

为我的祖国增加海防的力量。For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong.

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第四部分对魏源的有关海防思想进行探讨。The fourth part treats WEI Yuan's thought on coastal defense.

清代前期出现了一批研究海防地理的著名学者。A group of well-known scholars appeared in the early Qing Dynasty.

越南海防市是东南亚第三大城市。Haiphong is the third largest city in the Southeast Asian country.

海防思想是中国古代军事思想中的重要组成部分。Coast defence is one important part of ancient military views in China.

德国的许多自诩的"西部长城"和海防也没有更好的表现。Germany’s much vaunted `Westwall’ and coastal defenses fared no better.

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他住在上海海防路50号丽晶苑三号楼16楼E室。He lives at Flat 16E, Block3, Lijingyuan Estate, 50 Haifang Road, Shanghai.

南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong, the military vital importance.

这样,余姚路,海防路沿线房产的价格优势就凸显了出来。Thus , Yuyao Road , Haiphong Road along the property price advantage on noticeable.

海防战士警觉地注视着出现在海面上的黑点。The coastal guard kept a watchful eye on the black spot that had appeared out at sea.

香港海防博物馆布伦南鱼雷发射站,筲箕湾。Brennan Torpedo Station of Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong.

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这给用于海防的中国海军带来了挑战。That poses a challenge for China's navy, which is mostly designed for coastal defense.

昨天中国表示,其海防部队近来在南中国海进行了三天三夜的军事演习。efence forces recently stagedthree days and nights of exercises in the South China Sea.

舰载雷达有助于对敌舰或海防设施进行准确的夜袭。Battleship radar sets permit accurate night bombardment of enemy ships or shore installations.

戴佛斯寻思是否真有这么一个舰队躲在海防墙后面的内港里。Davos wonders if there is such a fleet hidden behind the wall dividing the inner and outer harbor.

目前,胡志明市和海防市人口占越南总人口的42%,其艾滋病报告病例占全国总报告病例的55%。The two cities contain 42 percent of the population and 55 percent of the country's reported HIV cases.

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明代潮州的海防格局,是在洪武朝30多年间逐步建立起来的。The coast defense of Teochow was established gradually over 30 years of the Hongwu period in the Ming dynasty.

李鸿章是清政府海防建设的主要领导人和实践者。In Qing Dynasty Government, Li Hongzhang is the main leader and practitioner of the construction of coast defense.

本文以咸丰朝为中心,对这一阶段海防思想的衍变进行了初步的研究。The thesis, based on the Xianfeng Era, did a preliminary research for the evolution of the coastal defense thought.