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地名是指一些地物或地域的名称。Place-names refers to some features or geographical names.

详细讨论了野外地物双向反射因子的测定问题及测定误差。BRF measurement in the field and error analyses are discussed in detail.

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演化空间的恒定性是地物演化的普遍规律。Evolutional space of constant is evolutional general law of geo-objects.

结合工程实际,讨论了不同地物分布时的辐射计仿真结果。On this basis, the simulation results on different objects on earth are discussed.

详细介绍了基于栅格数据的面状地物主骨架线的提取算法。This paper discusses the algorithm of extracting the main skeleton line of polygon.

介绍了一种基于穷举法的高光谱遥感图像地物识别方法。A new approach for object identification based on the exhaustive method is proposed.

丝制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made up, of silk.

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利用最佳波段组合指数法同时考虑目标地物的光谱信息。This paper uses the OIF method and considers the spectrum information of target objects.

棉制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made up, of cotton.

丝制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,未具毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, made up, of silk.

丝制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,尚未完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not made up, of silk.

这些地物高达2千米,很可能是散落的大型岩石碎块或者巨石。These features are up to 2 km tall and are probably large rock fragments or mounds of rock.

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棉制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,未具毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, made up, of cotton.

棉制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,尚未完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction , not made up, of cotton.

丝制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,未具毛簇结构,尚未完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, not made up, of silk.

棉制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,未具毛簇结构,尚未完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, not made up, of cotton.

水的边缘立著数不尽的石尖块和种种杯形的地物,就像我们之前看过的一般。At the water's edge were numberless rocky pinnacles, and cup-shaped masses like those we had already seen.

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其它纺织材料制梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made up, of other textile materials.

结合人工目视判读,设计了一种面向地物的指标计算方法。With manual visual judgment, a computing method for ground objects oriented evaluation index was designed.

羊毛或动物细毛制其它梭织地毯及其它覆地物,具有毛簇结构,已完成者。Other carpets and other floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made up, of wool or fine animal hair.