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乔,你真给我们丢人!Jo, you're disgracing us!

真正丢人的是忘恩和无礼。Only ingratitude and rudeness can.

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没什么好遮掩的,他们不觉得丢人。They had nothing to hide. They weren’t ashamed.

这似乎是最丢人的事情,对不?This seems like the most backward thing, right?

在小女公爵面前,他觉得丢人极了。And he felt ashamed in front of the little duchess.

这是一次讨厌丢人的经历。It was a truly mortifying and disgusting experience.

当着众人的面向上拉起裤子是丢人的行为。It is a shame to hitch up your trousers before the public.

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所有的女人都告诉我,Zasa的管理很丢人。Zasa runs it like a disgrace, that’s what the women tell me.

幸运的是,在火鸡日那天暴饮暴食没什么丢人的。Fortunately, there's no shame in over-eating on "Turkey Day".

你们在餐馆里大跳大闹,真丢人!I'm ashamed of you, making a scene in the restaurant like that.

丢人丢到国外,自然也为国法所不容。Everyone disgraced abroad, but also to be tolerated by the law of the land.

真丢人,我努力工作却得到可怜巴拉的一点钱--典型的穷忙族。What a shame. I work hard but get the poor pay- typical of the working poor.

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她好像不大喜欢我这个职工,让我在所有同事面前丢人。She doesn’t seem to like me, and she is causing me to lose face in front of all my peers.

我觉得像世界末日一样,太丢人了,大家都看到了。And I basically feel this is the end of the world, this is humiliating and everybody notices.

他们从不领救济金,“那时,领救济很丢人,”明妮回忆道,她有时出去作佣人。"You were ashamed to be on welfare then, " recalls Minnie , who sometimes worked as a domestic.

最后我脱了外套,但是我的动作一定看起来很丢人,因为她穿上了她的。Finally, I slid off my coat, but the gesture must have seemed like pity, because she pulled on hers.

离婚不算丢人,精神不会沉沦,一切即将过去,神马都是浮云。Divorce is not a shame, spirit will not perish, everything will pass, god horses are floating clouds.

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闯入这一禁区将使你非常尴尬,也会让那个有体臭的人感到丢人。To go crashing into this zone would be horribly embarrassing for you, and humiliating for the smeller.

我认为,如果你能够克服害羞,并且不怕丢人,I mean, if you can just get over like being self-conscious, and just don't worry about being embarrassed

别怕丢人,那是一种成功的尝试,不要笑话那些上台丢人的人。Don't be afraid of shame, it's a tryout for success. Don't laugh at those who seems like a joke on stage.