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火神他的埃是不尽的油料和石头!Moloch whose love is endless oil and stone!

大面积的地已种上油料植物。Large acreages have been planted to oil crops.

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汽车是短途运输油料的主要工具。Car is main vehicle for products short journey.

麻疯树是一种高产量的油料植物。Jatropha curcas L. is a kind of high oil yield plant.

加大油料生产基地的投资力度。Investment in oilseed production base will be expanded.

通榆是全国十大重点油料产区之一。Tongyu is one of the ten key oil material producing areas.

告诉我,一个租用的油料供应中心如何去切断石油供给线?Tell me, how does a rented refueling station interdict oil?

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输入油料在媒体上的代码框,并点击验证按钮。Enter POL in the media code box and click the Verify button.

糖料、棉花种植面积减少,油料、蔬菜种植面积增加。The farm owner plans to grow wide areas of cotton next year.

亚述族的武士曾用芬香的油料来卷曲他们的长胡子。Assyrian warriors curled their long beards with scented oils.

油料、蚕茧、水产品产量也居全省首位。Oil plants, pod and sea food also take the top place in Jiangsu.

因此,精确预测部队油料需求,是提高油料保障能力的关键。POL need is the key point of increasing the POL service ability.

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核桃是我国的传统土特产品,含油量很高。核桃油是一种很好的油料,营养丰富。Walnut oil is a kind of very good oil plants, nutrition is rich.

加油站油料损耗控制应贯穿进、销、存过程中的每一个环节。Control over oil loss should penetrate into every operation step.

油料也给吸出来装进其他坦克卡车的油箱。The petrol is syphoned to the gas tanks of other trucks and tanks.

设计了油料勤务模拟训练系统框架。The paper designs POL service simulation training framework system.

为世界著名干果及木本油料树种,我国新疆是世界上32个巴旦杏产地之一。There are 32 countries producing this kind of nut fruits in the world.

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油料、糖料、茶叶和水果等作物产品产量有所增长。Growth was seen in the output of oil-bearing crops, sugar, tea and fruits.

对油料生产大县进行奖励政策。An incentive policy will be introduced for the counties producing oilseeds.

进行了芝麻与花生饼植物油料的压榨渗透率试验。The permeability experiments of sesame cake and peanut cake were carried out.