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有些隐匿着家道没落的恐惧。Some hide fears of financial ruin.

我并没有隐匿于凡世间。I did not hide away from the world.

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这些,是我孤独血液里隐匿起来的暗伤。These are my lonely up blood occult injury.

这就是隐匿于这首诗的意涵。It is the very dimension hidden in this poem.

它告诉我可以通过隐匿的方尖塔找到它们。He told me to seek them through secret obelisks.

它包含在老人爽朗的笑声里,它隐匿在孩子们天真的嬉戏中。Behold it in the laugher Of the young and the old.

即使当你长大,也不要隐匿于沉默之中。Even when you're older, don't hide behind silence.

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结果42例患者共81处隐匿性骨折。Result 81 occult fractures were found in 42 cases.

可也许,神就隐匿在某朵花的后面。Maybe in the back of the flower somewhere,GOD, GOD.

直到临死前,她也没有说出那段缺失的磁带到底隐匿了什么。She never told what the tape held before her death.

在中国,犯罪可能隐匿于每一笔巨额财产背后。Behind every great fortune in China may lie a crime.

每一层都会尽量去隐匿其内部的工作。Each layer does its best to conceal its inner workings.

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但是,在某些场景中,隐匿一点儿会有帮助。However, in some contexts, a bit of obscurity can help.

您只能隐匿具有对应父代的项目。You can only cloak the items that have a mapped parent.

一切神灵无不隐匿于山水之中。All the gods are all hidden in the midst of the landscapes.

有时,它把蛋隐匿在冰冷的地面下以应对未来运气不好的日子。Some, he stashes in the cold ground for the lean days ahead.

当你是一个团体的一员时,你可以隐匿其中。"When you're part of a team, you can hide within it, " he says.

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殖民地化可能是监禁最隐匿的形式。Colonization is perhaps the most insidious form of imprisonment.

最后,来自家庭内部的隐匿危险可能是最可怕的。Finally, the hidden hazards within the family may be worst of all.

无顶的塔不断显现又隐匿,盲目的直插云霄。Roofless towers appeared and disappeared, thrusting blindly upward.