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与传统的热电厂相比,燃料电池有种种优势。Fuel cells offer several advantages over traditional thermal power plants.

完成双榆树供热厂扩建工程及草桥燃气热电厂新建工程。Heating Plant will be expanded and Caoqiao Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant built.

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位于北京城东北方向的太阳宫热电厂绿意盎然,与中国很多滚滚浓烟的发电厂形成鲜明对比。THE Taiyanggong Thermal Power Plant in north-east Beijing is delightfully green.

另有一座热电厂和煤气厂也即将先后建成。With the completion of a thermal power plant and a gas works in the near future.

在1984年成为苏联最大的热电厂之一。In 1984 it became one of the biggest thermal electric power stations in the USSR.

然而核电站与风电厂和太阳能热电厂相比,将面临更大的公众阻力。Reactors will face far more public resistance than wind farms and solar plants, however.

完成双榆树供热厂扩建工程及草桥燃气热电厂新建工程。Shuangyushu Heating Plant will be expanded and Caoqiao Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant built.

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Pridneprovskaya热电厂将铺彻一条330千伏的电缆线为发电站提供电力。A 330 kV cable line was laid from the Pridneprovskaya Thermal Power Plant to feed the electric station.

粉煤灰空心微珠是从热电厂粉煤灰中分选出的空心粉状材料。Hollow fly-ash beads are a powdered hollow material sorted out from fly-ash from thermal power stations.

俄亥俄州的一个燃煤热电厂,其外部成本将会影响格陵兰岛,澳大利亚,苏丹以及俄亥俄。A coal-burning plant in Ohio creates an externality for people in Greenland, Australia, the Sudan and Ohio.

热电厂的水质质量直接关系到热力设备能否安全运行。The quality of the water power plant is directly related to whether the safe operation of thermal equipment.

介绍了银川热电厂二期工程投运一年以后,多次出现凝汽器真空缓慢下降的现象。The phenomena of condenser vacuum slowly running down occurred many times in Yinchuan Congeneration Power Plant.

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型疏水阀是本公司根据热电厂设备蒸汽疏水而开发的新一代蒸汽疏水阀。ZMQSY is a new-generation steam trap valve specially designed by our company for drainage of thermal power plant.

热电厂脱硫石膏与天然二水石膏相似,适合作水泥缓凝剂。The FGD gypsum similar to the natural gypsum in common characteristics, and is adequately used as cement retarder.

哈纳斯东、西部热电厂均位于银川市区内,生活、交通便利。Both Hanas East and West Power Plants are located in Yinchuan City with convenience of transportation and livelihood.

这些锅炉被一家位于这座城市郊外的更为洁净的热电厂驱动的水暖系统所取代。They were replaced with hot-water heat generated by a cleaner-burning coal-fired power plant located outside the city.

热电厂输灰管道结垢问题影响发电机组的正常运行。The problem of the heat power house pipe encrustation filthiness influences the normal running of dynamotors seriously.

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着重对南社、太原第二热电厂老厂及冶峪、太原第一热电厂老厂地区的低周运行情况进行了分析。This paper makes the analysis emphatically on the low-cycle operation of the Nanshe area, the old location of Taiyuan No.

仪征化纤公司热电厂3号给水泵运行中出现了异常振动。There exists a long time unstable vibration problem of No. 3 pump in Thermal Power Plant of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company.

对于所提出的算法都进行了仿真试验,结果表明,本系统对于热电厂汽包系统的预报警故障检测有着较好的效果。All the emulation experiments to all the algorithms are completed. The results indicate that this system performed very well.