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什么是两点透视图?。What is Two-Point Perspective Drawing?

一个或多个视图可组成一个透视图。One or more views make up a perspective.

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现在您位于服务器透视图。You will now be in the Server perspective.

另外还支持角色特定的透视图。Role-specific perspectives are also supported.

默认情况下,启动插件透视图。By default, the plug-in perspective is launched.

在需要时,您可以切换透视图。You can switch perspectives whenever you need to.

它显示可用的包和透视图。This shows the packages and perspectives available.

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您应当会看到可用的透视图列表。You should see a list of perspectives available to you.

注意,一个透视图中可以有一个或多个视图。Note that there can be one or more views in a perspective.

等角图较透视图简单得多。Isometric drawing is much simpler than perspective drawing.

支持“特定于用户角色的透视图”的概念。The concept of user-role-specific perspectives is supported.

您可能想使用一个新的程序包来存储您的透视图。You will want a new content package to store your perspectives.

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从这里您可以选择并显示新保存的透视图。From there you can select and display the newly saved perspective.

选择您希望将透视图存储到的程序包的名称。Select the package name where you want the perspective to be stored.

工具栏和菜单栏都是基于透视图配置的。The toolbars and menu bar are configured on a per-perspective basis.

对于某些产品许可证,此透视图可能不可用。With some product licenses, this perspective might not be available.

丹麦的做法已经给我们这些新的透视图的项目。The Danish practice have sent us these new renderings of the project.

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默认的测试透视图设定了一组预先配置好的视图。The default test perspective comes with a preconfigured set of views.

同样地,它提供了有关解决方案的每个部分的视图和透视图。And again, it offers views and perspectives on every part of the solution.

要得到你想要的饿透视图,你需要按照我们称之为透视法缩短的方法进行透视。To get the perspective you want, you need to use what we call foreshortening.