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让我们乘坐这趟长途客车旅游一次吧!Let's go on this coach tour!

这辆长途客车在此停留多久呢?。How long does the coach stop here?

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宇通客车VI设计的应用。VI Design for Yutong Group and usage.

德铁所属218型柴液式机车牵引双层客车。An 218 DL hauled 2 double-decked cars.

试看今日豪华客车,竟是谁家之天下?。Who is the winner of the luxury coach?

一种客车除霜器。Disclosed is a passenger car defroster.

上饶客车奔驰在高速跑道。Shangrao bus running in the expressway.

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长途客车早上从波茨坦开出。The coach departs Potsdam in the morning.

从歙县到芜湖大概要做三个小时客车。The trip took around three hours, I guess.

从北面驶来一列SS9G牵引的客车。A SS9G pulling train Coming from the north.

他们上了后面的一辆硬席客车。They entered the rear day coach and sat down.

来自长航空集散站的这辆客车8点出发。The bus from the air terminal leaves at8o'clock.

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这是笼罩在中国客车行业中的一个迷局。It's a maze around China's passenger car industry.

你最好乘第11路客车,在第三个车站下车。You'd better take a No. 11 bus. Get off at the 3rd stop.

长途客车旅行在最近的几年里深受欢迎。Intercity bus travel has taken off in the last few years.

小型客车指的是一种特别用于短途旅行的小公共汽车。Minibus means a small bus typically used for short trips.

只有英航现被列为空寂客车A318机型的航空企业客户。Only British Airways is listed as an A318 airline customer.

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我们将用中客车在你的华欣或差安酒店接你。We'll take you from your Hua-Hin or Cha-Am hotel by minibus.

下届世界客车博览无疑将有更大的规模。Next Kortrijk will see without any doubt even bigger results.

客车能是一辆志愿者客车或在水平证明我。The coach can be a volunteer coach or certified at a level I.