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对着水笔傻笑。Laugh at the pencil.

你在傻笑些什么?What are you smirking at?.

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帕比像个小孩似的傻笑一声。Pappy smirked like a child.

我不懂你为什麽要傻笑。I don't know why you smirked.

你傻笑什么?What are you smirking about ?

她的傻笑刺激他的神经。Her giggling rasped his nerves.

他对过路的每个人傻笑。He smirked at everyone that passed.

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我们还要像这样傻笑多久?How long should we simper like this?

一阵咳嗽、傻笑等。Paroxysms of coughing, giggling, etc.

姑娘们,别再傻笑了!That's enough of your titters, girls!

吉米生气地瞪着正在傻笑的哥哥。Jamie glowered at his smirking brother.

那位侍女压低下额傻笑着。The maid lowered her chin and simpered.

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他很快让她对最烂的笑话傻笑。He soon had her giggling at the lamest jokes.

“卡蒂,这边请。”我向塞尔维亚傻笑着。“Katie, please.” I said as I smirked at Sylvia.

美朱和魏看着对方,傻笑起来。Miaka and Taka looked at each other and giggled.

从未想到他们的女人有傻笑的小巧的魅力。Never thought their women had giggly little charm.

你又不能靠傻笑来得到你的实验学分You're not going to have your experimental credit.

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所有傻笑先放一旁,你的三个信封在哪?All smirking aside, where are your three envelopes?

他被问得不知所措地傻笑著。He was so embarrassed by the question, he tittered.

我帮她洗澡的时候,我们都傻笑了。When I help her in the shower, we have such a giggle.