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不摸黑吃也不坐火车吃。Not in the dark. Not on a train.

摸黑要走到另一个房间去。In going from room to room in the dark.

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是不点灯,摸黑上床。Courage is going to bed without a nightlight.

灯光灭了,剩下我们摸黑呆着。The light went out and we were left in the dark.

他摸黑找到一只水瓶,喝了一口水。In the dark he found a water bottle and took a drink.

老人摸黑踉踉跄跄地朝门口走去。The old man faltered toward the door-way in the dark.

我只得在波涛汹涌的大海,摸黑拼命往前游在,直到天亮。I had to swim in the dark in heavy seas until the morning.

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他走的这整条路线好象是一条在夜间摸黑下山的梯级。The whole of this itinerary resembled a descent of black steps.

有段路没有路灯,我们就只能摸黑前进。One stretch of the road was unlit, so we had to cycle in the dark.

那个小男孩壮了壮胆,摸黑上了楼。The small boy plucked up his courage and went upstairs in the dark.

胜利拉着美丽摸黑下楼,这一幕被刘建民看到。Victory took beauty took downstairs, this scene was LiuJianMin see.

信中表示BBC在“摸黑和妖魔化中国”。The letter suggested the BBC was " tarnishing and demonising China".

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艾萝依从窗座起身摸黑找她的鞋子。Eloise got up from the window seat and felt in the dark for her shoes.

告别了表弟,老爹摸黑沿着曲曲折折的村道,往巷子外走。Goodbye 's cousin, dark twists and turns along the village road, into the alley.

你没听过我因为晚上需要摸黑爬起帮他拍背打嗝说过半句怨言吧?You don't see me complaining about getting up in the middle of the night to burp him.

我还要在雨里吃。还要摸黑吃。还要在火车上吃。还要在车里吃。还要在树上吃。And I will eat them in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree.

过往行人在夜间特别危险,因为许多电动自行车为了省电,摸黑行驶。At night pedestrians are at particular risk, because many e-cyclists drive without lights to save power.

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他这样摸黑前进,就好象黑夜中人在看不见的地方摸索,结果迷失在地下黑暗的脉管里。He resembled the beings of the night groping in the invisible and lost beneath the earth in veins of shadow.

是的,她知道爱伦已经摸黑外出,一切正常,便爬回去重新躺到床上睡了。Yes, it was good to creep back into bed and know that Ellen was abroad in the night and everything was right.

同样的。如果我不同意中国人民的民族主义感情,我就是在试图摸黑中国。If I do not agree with 'the nationalistic feeling of the Chinese people' then I must be trying to denigrate China.