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在对阵我们死对头的比赛中出场并且获得进球就像是一场梦。”兰斯布里说道。To come in against our rivals and score is a dream, " said Lansbury."

我们的足球队今晚要和我们长期以来的死对头决一胜负。Our football team will compete against our long-time adversary tonight.

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与黑杰克为敌的人有很多,但只有奇利柯才是他真正的死对头。Black Jack has many enemies, but Dr. Kiriko is his only true nemesis and rival.

约尔不希望失去维尔马伦,特别是维尔马伦要去的俱乐部还是他担任热刺主帅时的死对头。Jol did not want to lose Vermaelen especially to the club who were his main rivals at Spurs.

同时阮富仲和阮晋勇的死对头,张晋创也双双当选委员。Nguyen Phu Trong, and long-time Dung-opponent Truong Tan Sang were also voted into the committee.

原来是中学时的死对头,仇人相见,分外眼红。BE during the days in the high school of sworn enemies, the personal enemy meet, cent outside jealous.

提到铁路和公路运输曾是“死对头”,尼根说,“那些日子一去不复返了。”Noting that the rails and trucking companies used to be “mortal enemies, ” Lanigan said those days are over.

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这就是为什么现在我们看到的熊只有短短的尾巴,都喜欢冬眠,而且和狐狸是死对头。So it is that even to this day Bears have short tails, hibernate all winter, and have no love at all for Fox.

1954年,吉田茂下野,结束执政,其死对头鸠山一郎当政。Yoshida's rule came to an end in 1954 when he was unseated as prime minister by his nemesis, Ichiro Hatoyama.

人们猜测无论是奥巴马还是死对头麦凯恩都会让盖茨留任。There has been speculation that either Obama or his Republican rival, John McCain, might ask Gates to stay on.

但是,盖比特的死对头史金保妒忌皮诺丘,更妒忌自己女儿玛莲与皮诺丘之间的友情。But Scamboli, Geppetto's archrival, is jealous of Pinocchio and Pinocchio's friendship with his daughter Marlene.

在漫画中维罗妮卡是贝蒂的死对头,而实际上绿巨人曾对一位叫贝蒂·罗斯的人有爱慕之情。Veronica was the rival of Betty in those comics, and Hulk actually used to have a love interest named Betty Ross.

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不过生为一家日本公司,而且在过去的几年里东芝和三星一直在NAND闪存领域,甚至在逻辑芯片领域是一对死对头,双方可以说是老死不相合作的。Several years ago, the companies would never cooperate. They are fierce rivals in NAND, and, to some degree, logic.

这一纸中禁令裁定书让王老吉与加多宝这对长达X年的“死对头”的矛盾进一步激化。In this paper that the contradiction of ban books let Wanglaoji and add the X years "rival " further intensification.

他住在舅舅的家,家里还有仁慈的舅母、死对头表哥和可爱的表妹。He lived with his uncle, together with his good-hearted aunt, an antagonistic cousin brother, and a lovely cousin sister.

然而如果我是一个职业球员,我会为一个从小支持的球队的死对头效力吗?However would I as a professional footballer ever play for the team that are the rivals to the team I supported as a boy?

就在这两个死对头为了赢得同一个女孩儿的芳心而大打出手的时候,小悟空在武泰斗老师的帮助下又获得了新的力量。While the two rivals battle for the affections of the same girl, Goku attempts a new power with the help of Master Mutaito.

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柯林斯说,就这样,胡安妮塔与菲德尔・卡斯特罗的死对头--美国中情局开始了长期往来。Collins said that "in this way began a long relationship with the arch-enemy of Fidel Castro, the Central Intelligence Agency."

互为死对头的小团体努力比拼,看谁能在这场事关统治权的傀儡战争中获利、并得到最多的关注。Rival cliques are competing with one another to see who can get the most coverage of their exploits in a proxy war of supremacy.

或许更为明显的是,大批其他国家也越来越牵涉其中,试图安抚这两个拥有核武的死对头。Perhaps more significantly, a host of other nations are also becoming more involved in trying to calm the two nuclear-armed rivals.