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他们是冷血动物,像蛇一样。They are cold-blooded, like snakes.

海龟和所有爬行动物一样,是冷血动物。The turtle, like all reptiles, is cold-blooded.

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一些冷血动物整个冬天都在睡觉。Some cold-blooded animals sleep all through the winter.

狐美人常常骂我木头疙瘩,冷血动物。Fox called me beautiful wood usually pimple, cold-blooded.

冷血动物,例如蛇和青蛙,冬季要冬眠。Cold- blooded animals, such as snakes and frogs, hibernate in winter.

它们像鱼一样是冷血动物,但它们又像哺乳动物一样总长着肺。They're cold- blooded like fish, but they always have lungs like mammals.

它选用了溴氰菊酯等原料配制而成,对冷血动物毒性高而对温血动物毒性低。It is highly toxic to cool-blooded animal and low toxic to warm-blooded one.

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蛇是十二生肖中唯一的冷血动物,富有灵性,善于变化。Clever and adaptable Snake is the only coldblooded animal in the Chinese zodiac.

冷血动物的体温随着周围的环境的改变而变化。The temperature of cold-blooded animals change with the temperature of the surroundings.

和所有的冷血动物一样,昆虫需要一种方法来应对生活环境中不断变化的气温。Like all ectotherms, insects need a way to cope with fluctuating temperatures in their environment.

现代温血动物的骨骼结构与冷血动物有着本质上的区别。There is a clear difference in bone structure between modern cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals.

蟑螂是变温动物,也叫冷血动物,这意味着,与人类相比,他们需要的食物非常少。Cockroaches are also poikilotherms, or cold-blooded, meaning they need much less food than humans do.

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我们那新搬来的邻居真是个冷血动物。我上去欢迎她来到这个住宅区,可她连话都不跟我说一句。My new neighbor is a cold fish. I went to welcome her to the neighborhood and she didn't even speak to me.

我的老朋友,要是你以为我可能实行这种冷血动物的政策,你一定是神经有问题啦。My good fellow, you must have lost your senses to think it possible I could act with such cold-blooded policy.

水蛭是变温动物—即是不能依靠自身而必须靠周围环境来维持恒定体温的冷血动物。Leeches are ectotherms — cold-blooded animals that cannot regulate their own temperature and depend on their environment to do it for them.

如果真是这样,那么为什么冷血动物,比如蛇类、蜥蜴、乌龟和鳄鱼却能够幸免于寒冬和酷夏呢?If true, though, why did cold-blooded animals such as snakes, lizards, turtles, andcrocodiles survive the freezing winters and torrid summers?

在恍惚的状态下,他决定爬过栅栏,跨坐在名为「胖子」且重达800公斤的盐水鳄鱼身上,并且试图骑这只冷血动物。In a drunken stupor, he decided to climb over a fence, straddled a 800kg saltwater crocodile called Fatso and attempted to sit on the reptile.

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他和他的乐队“冷血动物”一起出演,他们放任地演绎着他们乏味的摇滚乐,其中注入了传统中国乐器元素。Performing with his band Cold Blooded Animals, they let loose with a grunge rock performance infused with traditional Chinese instrumentation.

这就意味着,数以万计的真菌都能够坦然寄生于爬行动物、两栖动物和其他冷血动物体内,但只有其中的少数几百种才和哺乳动物有缘。This means that tens of thousands of fungal species infect reptiles, amphibians and other cold-blooded animals, but only a few hundred harm mammals.

科学家首次估计了在全球范围更暖的气候如何影响蚊子等冷血动物的代谢。Scientists have for the first time estimated how warmer climate will affect the metabolism of cold-blooded animals, such as mosquitoes, on a global scale.