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以k2的速率。With a rate k2.

所有的速率定律。All the rate laws.

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阿雷乌斯速率定律?Arrhenius rate laws?

这个反应速率。The rate of reaction.

以k1的速率常数。With a rate constant k1.

可变速率编码?。VRC? Variable Rate Coding?

你的恢复速率是多少?What is your recovery rate?

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再到C,以k1和k2的速率。Goes to C with rates k1 and k2.

那何为瞬时速率呢?What is the instantaneous speed?

速度的增长速率为aIt's gaining speed at some rate a.

流出速率大为增加。The efflux rate increases greatly.

癌细胞具有高的胞饮速率。Tumours have high pinocytic rates.

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表示着向目标调整的速率It's how fast they adjust to the target.

测量草酸消失的速率。Make a measurement of the disappearance.

最终的传输速率是110波特。The resulting transfer rate is 110 baud.

与非同调性光的转移速率。Transition rate due to incoherent light.

非实时可变比特速率?。VBR-NRT? Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time?

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降低下降速率的垂直推进器。Vertical thrusters to decrease fall rate.

对于功率我们指的是作功的速率。By power , we mean the rate of doing work.

由此得出了水合速率方程。The hydration rate equations are obtained.