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我不知道他能否听从您的劝说。I wonder if he can take your advice.

我们劝说夏青公开身份。Xia Qing persuade our public identity.

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二个儿子又进一步劝说杨坚。Two sons and further persuade YangJian.

我苦口婆心,再三劝说。I described, and enforced them earnestly.

当下不再劝说,向南亭走去。At present no persuasion, South newsstand.

他的一番劝说令我兴奋起来。I was hyped up by his persuasive remarks.

马宏劝说他,要他先救林肯。Mahone persuades him to go after Linc first.

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他劝说我继续攻读哲学博士学位。Instead, Green persuaded him to study for a PhD.

人们开始劝说这两口子走开。People began to nudge the couple into going away.

“我已经劝说你父亲同意去医院了。”“啊!真有你的!Well, I've persuaded your father to see a doctor.

海岸警卫队的队员,无论怎样劝说都徒劳无功。All the entreating of the coast guard was in vain.

他拒绝听从晋文公的劝说,伏剑而死。He refused to listen to persuade, die by the sword.

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安琪尔的父亲努力同他争论,劝说他,恳求他。Angel's father tried argument, persuasion, entreaty.

你觉得能劝说他们到这里来见我吗?Do you think you could persuade them over to see me?

一男子绑架一5岁女孩,劝说无效后被警察击毙。Man shot dead after kidnapping 5-year-old in Beijing.

张妈劝说之恒该放手的时候就放手。Zhang Ma persuasion is constant time to let go let go.

他的朋友又再次遇见了他,而且又劝说他买一件新大衣。His friend meets him again and aska him to buy a new one.

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但是足病诊疗师劝说在赤脚跑步之前一定要小心。But podiatrists urge caution before running without shoes.

在陶大为劝说下,抱着一线希望的胡音音跟陶大为回了家。In the Tao for persuasion, hope to Yinyin Hu Tao for home.

一个执着的讨价还价者可能劝说卖主以更低的价格出售。A persistent bargainer may persuade the seller to go lower.