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但是他从来没有。But he never did.

没有,我从来都没开过车。No, I never drive.

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我从来没见过他。I've never seen him.

从来没有做错事。Never done no wrong.

她从来没有拒绝。She has not rejected.

但是他们从来没有回应过。They never responded.

从来都没有新走法。Easy come and easy go.

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我从来没见他生过气。I never saw him angry.

我从来没去过。I've never been there.

我从来没给汉娜写过信。I never wrote to Hanna.

幸运的是,我从来没有迟到过。Luckly, I'm never late.

我从来没打过架。I never got into fights.

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我从来没有长过骨刺。I never had a bone spur.

他从来没出过国。He has never been abroad.

我从来都讨厌吃豌豆。I have always hated peas.

我从来不曾这样烦闷过!I was never more annoyed!

没有,从来也没有过。Nope. And they never did.

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从来没有见她生过气。She was never seen angry.

我也从来没用过这个词。And I never use that word.

大人们从来不讲道理。Grownups never made sense.