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七月十四,猛鬼横行。In July fourteen, on rampant.

2011年会是山寨横行掂旎年吗?Will 2011 be the year of the copycat?

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龙卷风在密苏里平原肆虐横行。A tornado rips across the Missouri Plains.

这些腐恶的势力依旧横行乡里。These evil people are still playing tyrants.

还有这边横在路中央的大石头,取横行将军之意——“螃蟹”。The big stone on the road is like a huge crab.

这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck.

死神走过瘟疫横行的城市。Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city.

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每一个横行叫作一个周期,每一个纵行叫作一个族。Each run is called a cycle, each column is called a family.

战争在我们的星球横行,直到彻底毁灭了这个世界。A war that ravages our planet until it was consumed by death.

在这个表中,周期是横行,族是纵行。In this table, the cycle is transverse, longitudinal family is.

城市里到处是出租房屋,犯罪横行且污秽不堪。Tenements spread across city landscapes, teeming with crime and filth.

在美国,转基因食品横行天下,这难道有饥饿或贫困有关?Is the flourishing of GM food in America a matter of hunger or poverty?

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不若外来污垢邪靡淫秽之物横行!Epitomized If does not have dirt and foreign pornographic things across!

1453年土耳其占领了君士坦丁堡,横行于希腊和巴尔干半岛。In 1453 the Turks took Constantinople and overran Greece and the Balkans.

他的局面还不致就到危险的地步,那只马还位于第四个横行上。His position was not yet dangerous, the knight was only in the forth rank.

这是一个电子邮件横行的年代,但正式的商务场合还是请用信封。Fig1. Emails prevail now, but do use envelopes in formal occasions instead.

浩劫再起,妖魔横行,仙剑出鞘,天下归心!Disaster again, running demons, kept unsheathed , and the world to the heart!

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在欺骗横行的时代,说出真相就是革命行动。In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

现在,恐怕热带风暴古斯塔夫将会在同一个地区肆虐横行。Now fears that Tropical Storm Gustav could be eyeing the same general region.

非洲最富之国,尚未恶人横行,面临抉择之年。Africa's richest country, not yet free of demons, is facing a year of decision.