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这一未来令人心驰神往,”他补充道。And that future is very exciting," he added.

这对每个人来说都是一件激动人心而又令人心驰神往的事。It was a dramatic and inspiring thing for everyone.

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她梦到自己游上海面,可以仰望心驰神往的漫漫天际。He dreamt a dream of swimming up to see the sky above.

看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,我感到心驰神往。The sight and the sound of jet planes filled me with longing.

看完电影之后,电影中的女主角让彼得心驰神往。After seeing the film the heroine in it swept Peter off his feet.

一个真正开放的移动操作系统的理念确实让人心驰神往。The thought of a truly open mobile operating system is very appealing.

想到那边的沙滩、海水、水果、海鲜就心驰神往。Think there sandy beach , seawater , fruit , seafood will feel excited.

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她的责任是对电影作出第一结论,这令她心驰神往。She was responsible for delivering the first word on the movies, and it galvanized her.

浪漫之所以让人心驰神往,就是因为远离了日常的喧嚣。Romance lets popular feeling gallop be charmed , because was far from, be daily blatant.

这是世界生态专家和中外游客心驰神往的“人间仙境”和旅游胜地。The reserve is the paradise and scenic spot for ecologists and tourists all over the world.

只要瞧一下这帧作品,便令人心驰神往。Just one sight of the photo can make anyone have a deep longing for the beautiful landscape.

柯利达读书时看了亚瑟·威利译的中文著作,第一次对中国心驰神往。His fascination was first sparked by reading Arthur Waley’s translations from the Chinese at school.

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红海是埃及潜水之旅的首选,紧随其后的地中海与之平分秋色,同样令人心驰神往。The red sea is Egypt diving trip first, followed by the Mediterranean and equal shares, same empathy.

它美丽的自然风光得益于火山的不断喷发,其景色令人心驰神往。Its natural beauty was created by a succession of volcanoes making it a fascinating geological masterpiece.

这个错误让无数男人与他们心驰神往的女人失之交臂,即使是那些有成就的男人也不能幸免。This is the mistake that keeps most men from ever having the kind of success with women that they truly want.

而通过研发无人驾驶汽车,谷歌正在开拓一个已经让许多汽车工程师心驰神往几十年的领域。By investigating driverless cars, Google is exploring an area that has tantalized automotive engineers for decades.

雄伟壮观的瀑布令那些寻险探奇的人们心驰神往,尤其是那些喜欢从峡谷大桥上纵身跳下的自由落体者。These powerful falls have certainly had an effect on thrill seekers especially the free fallers jumping off of the gorge bridge.

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因此,数月以来布莱尔一直在参加一场没有竞选的竞选,对于这份工作,他既没有表白自己心驰神往,也没有拒之于千里之外。So Blair has been running a non-campaign campaign for months. He has not said he wants the job, but neither has he said he does not.

特别是唐代石雕造像,造型优雅,丰满健美,仪态万方,“万物皆备于我”的气度风范,令人心驰神往。Especially in the Tang Dynasty stone statues, elegant, full fitness, graceful, "All things are in me, " bearing style, is fascinated.

雄伟的山岳和高耸的建筑总是令人心驰神往,但袖珍型的东西也一样使人着迷。Small WondersPeople have always been fascinated by grand monuments and towering structures, yet the miniscule can be equally captivating.