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他比我工作死力。He works harder than I.

她死力劝讲来宾梅速呆一会女。She pressed her guests to stay longer.

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我保证,我将死力而为!I shall do everything in my power, I promise!

他们死力建议集中报盘。They strongly recommended concentration of offer.

我们要死力改善我们的糊口状况。We will try our best to better our living conditions.

爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有尽心死力地爱你。Don't try so hard- the nicest things come when you least expect them to.

死力降低生意费用,只是他们为达至这一方针的手段。Efforts to reduce transaction costs, only for them to achieve the means to an end.

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收卖司理能拱讵凉步广告预算而死力赛过他人。For example, the marketing manager may argue effectively for an increased advertising budget.

如不美观你的问题是在第三人称单数,那就死力专注于你犯此类错误的时辰。If you have a problem with the third person singular, try to concentrate on when you make such errors.

儿子忽然觉得父亲的表情不再木讷了,像实验水一样的父亲仿佛又增添了新的死力。Son suddenly feel father's expression, like Harper, no longer the same father dead as if added new energy.

对孙二娘等女子却是死力赞扬,透露出那时男女同等的前进前辈不美观念。Sun Erniangs is strongly commended by Shi Nai'an, revealing his advanced concepts of equality between men and women at that time.

白宫讲话人凡是都要死力避免做出经济展望,出格是在金融前景暗淡的时辰。As a rule, White House spokespeople strenuously avoid economic predictions, particularly when the nation's financial outlook is dim.

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经过全行业的配合死力,我国保险业反洗钱已经取得了很大的成就。The anti-money laundering in insurance industry of China has made great progress after the co-efforts of all members in the industry.

你独一应该做出的承诺是你会老实、死力而为,因为对可能呈现的预料之外的情形你全无所闻。The only promise you should make is that you'll be honest and do your best because you don't know what unexpected events might be coming your way, Susan says.

第三,美国政府决心死力辅佐美国企业获得更普遍的中国市场准入,从而为我们两国建树双赢的场所排场。And third, the U. S. government is absolutely committed to helping American businesses gain broader access to the Chinese market – creating win-win scenarios for our nations.

哲学和科学上对时辰的进一步熟悉会为我们对客观世界和自然法例有更深条理的理解,“时辰理论”的提出就是基于这样的一种死力。Further interpretations of time in science and philosophy will make us more understanding of the world and the natural laws, and advancing the "theory of time" typically based on such an effort.