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这是一个橡皮图章。This is. rubber stamp.

而在实际上,他们只是价钱昂贵的橡皮图章而已。In practice, they act as expensive rubber stamps.

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在邮寄那些封信以前,你必须在上面盖上橡皮图章。You must rubber-stamp those letters before you post them.

最后,他翻出了一颗我用来注目是参考数据的橡皮图章。Finally he unearthed one of the rubber stamps I used to identify reference books.

了解如何使一些全场合用花卡设计橡皮图章。Learn how to make some all-occasion cards using rubber stamps with flower designs.

公司的橡皮图章要换了,再去刻一枚吧!The rubber stamp of the company needs to be changed, go and have another one made.

在纸页上端的方块橡皮图章戳记上,他们姓名的首字母仍清晰可见。Their initials were still legible on the boxshaped rubber stamp at the top of the page.

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反而,在总统的要求面前,国会的作用差不多就是一个橡皮图章。Instead, Congress serves as little more than a rubber stamp for the president's requests.

你可以找到了一个完美的明星橡皮图章在线或什至在您当地的工艺品商店。You can find the perfect star rubber stamp online or perhaps even in your local craft store.

邮政监管机构预计橡皮图章价格上涨的磋商后,在接下来的一个月时间。Postcomm is expected to rubber stamp the price rises following a period of consultation over the next month.

他也做出了一些不可靠的允诺说是在二月份,会对“橡皮图章”的议会进行立法改革和选举。He also made flimsy promises of legislative reform and elections for the rubber-stamp parliament in February.

他替代了推动将越南国会从橡皮图章角色转变成活跃论坛的前国会主席阮文安。He replaces Nguyen Van An, who helped transform Vietnam's parliament from a rubber-stamp body into a forum for lively debate.

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了解有关使用剪贴簿橡皮图章在这个自由操作视频有关的想法系列装饰在剪贴簿。Learn about using rubber stamps in a scrapbook in this free how-to video series about ideas for embellishments in scrapbooking.

几年后,该公司开始为整个西班牙的橡皮图章制造商提供机器设备和消耗品。A few years later, the company began a rubber stamp for the whole of Spain manufacturers of machinery and equipment and consumables.

一些观察家预计橡皮图章式的立法机构全国人大将在3月的年度会议上认可这个变革。Some observers expect the rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress, to endorse the change at its annual session in March.

候选人被认为是金正日和劳动党选择的,议会开会只是通过一些橡皮图章法案。Candidates are believed to be picked by Kim and the ruling Workers' Party, and the parliament meets a few times a year to rubber-stamp bills.

他告诉史佩特说,不希望史佩特做橡皮图章,还对多年来他与史佩特之间关于公众健康及其他事务所产生的争执表示赞赏。He told Specter he did not expect him to be a rubber-stamp but he appreciated their battles over the years over public health and other issues.

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在某种程度上,中国只是在大陆市场以外的早就存在情况盖上橡皮图章而已,在东南亚黑市上人民币被频繁使用。To some extent, China’s moves serve to rubber stamp activity that is already underway outside the mainland, where gray-market yuan trade briskly in Southeast Asia.

俄国人被限制选举,他们的立法机构就像橡皮图章,而且有着温顺的媒体,因此巴拉克·奥巴马历史性的选举不会被他们忽视。Barack Obama's groundbreaking election has not been overlooked by Russians limited to artificial elections, rubber-stamp legislatures, and a compliant official media.

北朝鲜官方媒体今早报道国家领导人金正日在昨天的橡皮图章式的人民会议选举中毫无争议地再次当选。North Korean state media reported this morning that the country's leader, Kim Jong-il, was unanimously re-elected to its rubber-stamp parliament in yesterday's elections.