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我仍然对番茄酱敬而远之。P.S – I still have issues eating ketchup.

不要因为某些非计算机课程枯燥无趣就敬而远之。Don't blow off non-CS classes just because they're boring.

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你是否觉得食肉动物非常危险,需敬而远之呢?Do you think predators are dangerous and need to be avoided?

而现实状况却是,哲学不仅不普及,还让人望而生畏,敬而远之。The reality is, it has not been popularized but put people aside.

工作时我离不开它,其余时间我尽量敬而远之。I use it all the time at work. I try to stay away from it the rest of my life.

当然也有一些是我个人敬而远之的,比如午餐肉。There are also a few foods that I personally steer away from, like lunch meat.

当你和上司进行日常谈话的时候,要敬而远之。When you engage in informal conversation with your superiors, keep a respectful distance.

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中国社会思想对“神”敬而远之,反对人为“物”役,社会价值取向不以“神”或“物”为本。But in China both Godism and the human-slaved materialism are not taken as the social values.

艺术大师的高度专业作品一般都会让人敬而远之。Highly proffesional work by masters of art photography will hardly leave someone indifferent.

许多国家和国际组织都已开始对修建大坝敬而远之。Many other countries and international organizations have begun to shy away from dam building.

在职场,一定要有缺点,一个完美而毫无缺点的人,会遭人嫉恨,会被人敬而远之。Business, must have disadvantages, a perfect and flawless person, being hated, will be at a distance.

而如果待在其他伙伴或旅游团中间,陌生人就会敬而远之。When you are insulated by a traveling companion or group, strangers are likely to keep their distance.

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显然,若菜不想被卷入到任何麻烦中,所以对齐藤太太敬而远之。Obviously, if food dont want to be involved in any trouble, so align rattan wife at a respectful distance.

形式、材料、内容容或各有不同,但都是科学的思想所必须敬而远之的神话。Form, substance, content, call it what you will—this is the myth scientific thought must detach itself from.

你是否觉得食肉动物非常危险,需敬而远之呢?好吧,有人可不同意你的想法。Do you think predators are dangerous and need to be avoided? Well, there are people who will disagree with you.

但是尽管这家餐馆努力营造一种宾至如归的感觉,其热情好客背后的高价格让却令人敬而远之。But try as Madam might to make you feel at home and welcome, the price tag on her hospitality may make you wince.

而对于一些喜爱把我说过的话翻给别人听或者随意展示、伪造聊天记录的,只要得知,立刻敬而远之。And for some, like take it over to others or free to show, forged the chat, as long as that, immediately at a distance.

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如果你习惯榴莲的特殊气味,那你就可以好好享受美味了,否则你只能敬而远之了。If you can adjust to the special smell of durian, you'll enjoy the delicious pulp well, or you will stay far away from it.

2014年发布的这张专辑摘得公告牌音乐奖最佳摇滚专辑,但它悲戚的基调也让一些乐迷敬而远之。That 2014 release was named Top Rock Album at the Billboard Music Awards, but it alienated some fans with its mournful tone.

他说这一结果跟他的猜想不谋而合,英国女性确实丑名在外,她们的言行让外国人敬而远之。He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.