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我在周游世界,I'm travelling around the world,

去年夏天我周游了欧洲。I toured through Europe last summer.

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我想周游世界。I’d love to travel around the world.

罗宾逊一家喜欢周游世界。Thee Robinsons love seeing the world.

这是我的欧陆周游券及护照。Here's my Eurail Pass and my passport.

我是自那里启程开始周游加拿大的。I started my trip across Canada there.

比如去上大学还是去周游欧洲?Go to college or backpack around Europe?

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我陪他周游了欧洲。I accompanied him on his European travel.

他们花了一年的时间航海周游世界。They spent a year voyaging around the world.

格伦周游美国推行新策。Gruen toured America promoting his invention.

罗伯特.富尔顿成功地完成了他驾驶摩托车周游世界的旅行。Robert Fulton successfully completed his trip.

汤母和我打算去周游世界。Tom and I are going to travel around the world.

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杰夫·宣林和费勒在周游世界时相遇。Jeff Shumlin and Feiler met traveling the world.

他梦想步行周游世界。He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot.

编辑模式的所有周游都是递迴性。All traversals of the editing model are recursive.

汉尼根,免费周游世界上所有的港口。Hannigan, free tour to all the ports in the world.

那个外国背包客喜欢周游世界。The foreign back-packer loves traveling the world.

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我周游印度是由其他人来开的车。The way I get around India is someone else drives.

几个月来他马不停蹄地周游世界。He was traveling around the world for months on end.

一群退休医生在周游西欧各国。A party of retired doctors is touring western Europe.