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单谈某一问题的积极分子集团。A group of like-minded single-issue activists.

这是世界上首例这样的法律,得到了反烟积极分子的欢迎。It is a world first, hailed by anti-smoking activists.

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教育积极分子称,肯尼亚至少有1,600所这种非正规学校。Activists say Kenya has at least 1,600 of these non-formal schools.

支持民主派活动积极分子表示其他地方也有12名示威者被杀害。Pro-democracy activists say 12 demonstrators were killed elsewhere.

数以万计挥舞着国旗的积极分子要求提早进行选举。Tens of thousands of flag-waving activists called for early elections.

他所传达的讯息一直是现在大多数人权积极分子所依据的基础。His messages have been the basis of most human right activists in our present day.

与此同时,年轻的积极分子们今天在众议院的一幢办公楼内组织了一次快闪行动。Youth activists, meanwhile, organised a flash mob in a House office building today.

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当然,反堕胎的积极分子们已经开始努力运作让这个问题变得更加个人化。Of course, anti-abortion activists have worked hard to make the issue more intimate.

这个歌手因为虐待一只小短吻鳄而遭受动物权积极分子的指责。The singer has been blasted by animal rights activists for abusing a baby alligator.

许多积极分子说,他们正在努力提高妇女的权利和为妇女成功创造机会。Many activists say they are working to increase women's rights and chances for success.

积极分子认为印度需要中国学习,那里的车更多,但是死亡率更低。Activists say India needs to learn from China, which has far more cars yet fewer deaths.

自由软件的积极分子和开源的热心者会对这种情况有非常不同的反应。Free software activists and open source enthusiasts will react very differently to that.

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科赫兄弟支持一个已经培养了数千名茶党积极分子的基金组织。The brothers have backed a foundation that has trained thousands of Tea Party activists.

我们有一些关注艾滋病的积极分子等等,今晚我们要一起吃晚餐。And we have people who are AIDS activists and so forth. And we're having a dinner tonight.

她逼迫每个学生参与课堂练习,让每个学生都成为教室里的积极分子。She forces everyone to participate, making each student an active member of the classroom.

在堪萨斯州首府托皮卡,一些积极分子也不甘示弱,正在积极推进一个全国奥巴马假日。Not to be outdone, some activists in Topeka , Kansas, are promoting a national Obama holiday.

这些积极分子希望国王交出权利,任命总理和内阁。The activists want the king to surrender his right to appoint the prime minister and cabinet.

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反核积极分子在包括首都柏林在内的20个城镇组织了游行。Anti-nuclear activists organised rallies in 20 towns and cities, including the capital Berlin.

因为强烈的宗教讽刺意味,这部电影在宗教积极分子中并未得到好的反响。Due to its heavy religious satire, the film was not well-received by many religious activists.

他们是知名的为政府腐败的受害者代言的非政府组织积极分子。Xu and Teng are well-known NGO activists who have stood up for victims of official corruption.