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什么是医疗语音,语言病理学家?。What Is a Medical Speech-Language Pathologist?

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病理学诊断副神经节瘤。Pathologic diagnosis was primary paraganglioma.

组织病理学损伤局限于这些部位。The histopathological lesion is localized at these sites.

并对瘤组织及脾组织进行病理学检查。The tumors and spleens were examined for pathologic change.

分子肿瘤病理学是一门新兴的学科。Molecular oncologic pathology is a relatively new discipline.

一个好的细胞学家一定是位非常好的组织病理学家。A good cytopathologist must first be a great histopathologist.

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它比病理学更好,这项技术被誉为黄金标准。It’s better than pathology, which is considered the gold standard.

切除组织完全可用于病理学检查。The excisional tissues were suitable for pathological examination.

图1和图2是两个经典的病理学或细胞病理学样本图片。Fig 1 and 2 are two classic pathology or cytopathology board photos.

膀胱癌PTEN的突变率可能与肿瘤的病理学分级有关。Mutation rate of PTEN had a relation with tumor pathological grades.

肝脏切片之组织病理学显示铁质染色下有广泛铁质沉积之现象。More diffuse deposits of hemosiderin of liver tissue were also found.

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弓状核超微结构出现明显病理学改变。The ultrastructure of arcuate nucleus had obvious pathologic changes.

组织病理学检查显示为髓内室管膜瘤。Histolopathological examination revealed an intramedullary ependymoma.

动物病理学是基础兽医学和临床兽医学的桥梁。Animal pathology is the foundation of veterinary and clinical sciences.

电子书-在精神病理学和临床干预中的附加理论。Lawrence. Erlbaum. Assoc. Attachment. Issues. In. Psychopathology. And.

同时经皮肝活检观察治疗前后肝脏组织病理学变化。The change of histopathology by liver biopsy was observed simultaneously.

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变态心理学研究变态行为和精神病理学。Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology.

前列腺炎栓对前列腺组织病理学的影响?。Effect of the Prostatitis Suppository on Histopathology of Prostate Gland?

目的探讨卵巢甲状腺肿的临床和病理学特征。Objective To study the clinical and pathological features of struma ovary.