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我开始寻找。I began looking.

寻找氦-3Seeking Helium-3

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你在寻找耶稣吗?Are you seeking Jesus?

正在寻找光芒。Lookin' for the light.

寻找真爱之吻。A kiss for love's sake.

我恐惧,仰或我在寻找。I fear, or I find Yang.

肯去寻找的人才会有所发现!!!He That Seeks The Finds!

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是要我寻找什么吗?"What should I look for"?

我在四处寻找,高高,低低。And I've looked high, low.

他偷偷摸摸地四处寻找钱。He moused about for money.

无论你在哪,都要会寻找乐趣。Make fun whenever you are.

无论你在哪儿,都要会寻找乐趣。Make fun wherever you are.

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我们在寻找发展动态。We are looking for trends.

我一直在寻找一个心灵伴侣。I'm looking for a soulmate.

寻找有品质的食物。Alays look for quality food.

寻找到磁盘的所有路径。Find all paths to the disks.

他在寻找詹菠太太。He's looking for Mrs. Jumbo.

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寻找人心向善的地方。Look for the good in people.

寻找证据。Seek corroborating evidence.

雅弗在寻找一位父亲哪!Japhet in search of a father!