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他向李先生问安。He asked after Mr. Lee.

喔,很抱歉。请问安是哪位?Oh, I'm sorry. Who's Ann?

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请向你的父母问安。Please say hello to your parents.

你们亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁。Salute one another with an holy kiss.

你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity.

碰见老师要问安。Use formal greetings when you meet teachers.

我保罗亲笔问安。The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand.

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“向你父亲问安吧,”乌苏娜说。"Say hello to your father, " úrsula told him.

茱莉亚问安娜贝利——她正盯着自己的鞋带。Julia asked Annabel, who was looking at her shoelaces.

失意何曾恨解携,问安归去秣陵西。Frustrated ever hate carrying solution, greeting Moling go back west.

例如你可以礼貌地向老师问安,让学弟学妹们效法。For instance, you can greet your teachers politely and they may follow.

问安东尼奥大师关于白天或晚上堡垒的混凝土应该如何摆放。Ask Maestro Antonio how mortars 6 are positioned on bastions by day or night.

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但即使这样,他仍尽可能地向世界各地的友人问安。Even so, he did what he could to greet his many friends throughout the world.

你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。愿平安归与你们所有在基督里的人。Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.

你应该向圣?日耳曼夫人和庞比尼先生问安。You will do well to make your compliments to Madame St. Germain and Monsieur Pampigny.

安迪爱挖苦雷,这就是为什麽他考虑要不要问安迪。Andy talkativeness remarked Ray, it was the season why he considered to ask Andy or not.

魏渭问安迪可有想过自己的父母亲,可安迪的记忆中从来没有这两个人。Wei Wei ask Andy can have thought of their parents, but Andys memory never had the two men.

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“我数到三,咱们一起跳,行吗?”茱莉亚问安娜贝利——她正盯着自己的鞋带。“When I count to three, jump, alright?” Julia asked Annabel, who was looking at her shoelaces.

我们今天所读的经文,就包括了代笔写信的德丢自己的问安语。Today we read that Tertius, who had the job of writing this letter down, includes his greetings too.

给亲戚拜年,出门之后就作揖、问安,说点吉祥话,恭喜过年呐,恭喜发财呀,说点吉祥话,预示着第二年有个好的,这就是新一年来了以后有好运。To drop a Spring Festival visit is to give your new year greetings when you are out. Have a luck talk.