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他们都十分轻松自如。They relaxed.

它会使你应付自如。It allows you to cope.

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现在一切都变得轻松自如。It is all so easy for you now.

我的上半身依旧活动自如。I can still move my upper body.

他们希望能看到我能应付自如。Hopefully, they can see me play.

设置遥控控制,50米内库门开关自如。With remote control within 50 meters.

他只有在家庭圈子里才能轻松自如。He can only be unbent in the family circle.

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大炮在支座上旋转自如。The gun traverses smoothly on its bearings.

耶,真实的生活中不会那样快,那样轻易自如。Yeah, not that quick and easy in real life.

给轮子加点油,这样它就能运转自如了。Oil the wheel, then it will turn more freely.

他不拄拐杖,行动自如地走了进来。He entered walking easily and without crutches.

校长对形势应对自如。The headmaster handles the situation vart well.

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既有纯棉风格又具伸缩自如特性。Both cotton style with scalable characteristics.

我当然不想自称已经对欲望控制自如了。I certainly don’t claim to have mastered desire.

我的新车行驶自如,它跑得非常好。My new car gose like a bird. It runs fairly well.

她居然能驾驶自如,这是我意想不到的。The ease of her dri'ving was a rev'ela'tion to me.

其中一项挑战是,他只能坐轮椅而不能灵活自如地走动。Confined to a wheelchair, mobility was one of them.

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他轻松自如地走到海伦身边坐下。He waltzed across to Helen and sat down beside her.

快步应当始终运步自如,活泼而且规律。The trot should show free, active and regular steps.

肆无忌惮的开怀畅饮,轻松自如的享受美食。Unbridled drink it and enjoy, enjoy the ease of food.