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达州市水土保持办公室。Dazhou Soil and Water Conservation Office.

一种新的水土保持方法——人工防蚀生草膜覆盖被介绍。A new method for soil loss control was introduced.

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在防风固沙、水土保持、改善生态环境方面有突出作用。Suitablly growing arbor trees are limited in the area.

树木在水土保持发挥的一个重要组成部分。Trees play an important part in water and soil conservation.

阳山金矿位于长江中上游水土保持区内,属甘肃省管辖。Yangshan gold deposit lie in depressed area of Gansu province.

杉木林、未成林、马尾松林水土保持功能中等划分为第三类。The young forest, fir and pinetum were made up of the third kind.

科姆县水土保持负责人,加里。希金斯。Gary Higgins, Soil & Water Conservation Director of Buncombe County.

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分析了公路建设项目水土保持监测和水土保持监理的内在联系。The inter-relations of monitoring and supervision were analyzed as well.

植物措施是排土场复垦初期既经济又有效的水土保持措施。Vegetation is a economic effective control of soil and water conservation.

水土保持坡面工程措施能有效地提高土壤含水率。Engineering measures of SWC on the hillslope can improve soil water content.

经济林地和草地则起到了很好的水土保持措施作用。Economical woodlands have a positive effect on soil conservation in red soil.

要进一步加强上游地区的水土保持工作。Further strengthening soil-water conservation in upstream area of the Yangtze.

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电影制作人刘登立目前在拍摄有关黄土高原水土保持项目的纪录片。John D. Liu is a filmmaker whose current project is China's Sorrow, Earth's Hope.

分析了山杨林的水土保持作用。Describes the function of soil and water conservation of Populus davidiana forest.

水土保持措施对西峰区综合发展起到了明显的促进作用。Soil and water conservation has a great promotion to the development of XiFeng's rural. 3.

项目将通过增加目前就业不充分农户的收入帮助开展扶贫,也将通过加强水土保持、减少水土流失及促进可持续土地利用和农业实践等措施改善环境。It will help alleviate poverty by increasing the income of currently underemployed farmers.

生态修复是水土保持生态建设的深化和发展。Ecological restoration is the development of eco-construction of soil and water conservation.

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在山坡地建屋,必须先做好水土保持。Proper soil and water conservation measures are a prerequisite for building on mountainsides.

如图所示,树木对水土保持起着至关重要的作用。Indicated above are pictures that show trees play a vital role in water and soil conservation.

另一方面,我们还应当增强水土保持的意识。On the other hand, we should enhance our awareness that forest resources are very vital to us.