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他的话令我十分恼火。His remarks narked me.

当有人排队加塞时我恼火。I get annoyed when people.

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这是个令人恼火的解决方法,修补的优先级最高。Fixing this has top priority.

他的行为使她大为恼火。His conduct vexed her very much.

他的话让我有点儿恼火。His remarks irritated me a little.

我问,很恼火他打断我。I ask, annoyed at the interruption.

这真让人恼火。我现在在赶时间。This is so annoying, I'm in a rush.

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我对他总是捣乱很恼火。I'm very annoyed at his troublemaking.

他感到孤独恼火而突然离去。He gets lonely and sore, and pikes out.

如果一周后我才收到感谢信我会很恼火。It annoys me if I get it one week later.

胆结石是什么病哟,恼火不?。Gall-stone is what disease oh, rusty not?

这使她暗地里很恼火。It was this which secretly chagrined her.

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不过,它们嘶鸣起来也会令人恼火。Still their neigh can be very irritating.

我真又恼火又生气,阁下,我知道我实在气不过。I am heated and excited, sir, I know I am.

她的温和性格使她遇到任何事情都不会恼火。Nothing can ruffle her gentle disposition.

听到他说我是个傻瓜,我真恼火了。When he said I was a fool,I really burned.

他对女士的插嘴感到恼火。He was annoyed by what the woman bunged in.

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比尔的邋遢使他的女友十分恼火。Bill's untidiness drives his girlfriend mad.

在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.

她让人恼火之极"She just made the people mad, that was all."