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我们的活动已近尾声。Our activity is near the end.

该书充满了尾声。The book is also replete with codas.

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五首德国舞曲与七首带尾声的三重唱,D.90。German Dances and 7 Trios with Coda, D. 90

现在造星游戏正接近尾声。Now the star-making fun isbeginning to end.

现在造星游戏正接近尾声。Now the star-making fun is beginning to end.

“影片尾声有12分钟,”罗斯说。"They filmed a 12-minute epilogue," he said.

“影片尾声有12分钟,”罗斯说。"They filmed a 12-minute epilogue, " he said.

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2011年的油价大涨之势已近尾声?Has the great oil rally of 2011 run its course?

至此,我们的蒙古冒险之旅渐近尾声。Our Mongolian adventure was drawing to a close.

这是全曲的前奏及尾声。This is the full song with the intro and ending.

这次命运恢关的会见此时已接近尾声。And now this fateful interview had come to a close.

她接受静脉注射,不过有些是营养物质,但治疗基本进入尾声。Farrah is on IVs, but some of that is for nourishment.

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又到了中国农历年的尾声,又到了新的征程即将起锚之时。A new year of the traditional Chinese calendar is coming.

美国的恐怖歌星艾利丝?库珀的表演正接近尾声。Alice Cooper, America's singing ghoul, was ending his act.

在那次调查开始时,到了打猎季节的尾声。By the time of the inquest, the wildfowl season was at an end.

最后,该季节目到尾声会淘汰到剩下一位获胜者。Eventually, one person is the winner by the end of the season.

兴趣刚被激发起来,比赛就接近尾声了。It's coming to an end the moment my interest has just aroused.

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现在,你在这个边陲之地的学习之期已近尾声。Now, the end of your time at this borderland school draws near.

暑假已近尾声,新学期即将来临。The long summer vacation has finished. So the new term is coming.

王朔时代已走向尾声,但是,他的影响犹在。Wang Shuo's era has an end, but he will leave a continuous impact.