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不说任何丑恶?Say no ugly?

不看任何丑恶?See no ugly?

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不听任何丑恶?Hear no ugly?

希望会丑化丑恶的东西。Desire beautifies what is ugly.

就让我回到丑恶的名声中去受苦受难吧!Suffer me to go back to my infamy!

第二种是“丑恶型”长女。The second kind is Frightfulness Type.

我们要把他们的丑恶嘴脸公布于众。We are gonna publish their ugly faces.

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但是,这种紧张关系以更丑恶的形式出现。But the tensions took on seamier aspects.

他丑恶心肠的私生野种!And bastards of his foul adulterate heart.

布拉格近来变得这么丑恶了。Prague has grown so ugly lately, said Tereza.

但是这些丑恶的伤人的话语确实就摆在那里。But there they were, words so hurtful and foul.

科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed.

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这是因为我们俄罗斯人看到西方的丑恶嘴脸。It's because we Russians saw the ugly face of the West.

是丑恶卑劣的卖国贼!那是你想听到的吗?A filthy cowardly traitor! That's what you want to hear?

但是阿木忧虑自个丑恶的肌肤会吓坏兄弟。But Amu concern since a hideous skin will be terrified brothers.

戏弄和欺负火车上小男孩的丑恶的人the ugly guys who teased and bullied the little boy on the train

不过也有人认为,政府与这种丑恶沆瀣一气。But some have argued the government is complicit in the ugliness.

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在我作梦的时候都见不到这样丑恶的玩艺。Never in my dreams did I imagine any hole could be so disgusting.

我在美国求学的时候,曾经很愤怒地笔抨了这一丑恶的现象。I wrote angrily about this when I was studying in the United States.

它埋葬了万恶的旧社会、埋葬了世界上的假丑恶。It buried the evils of the old society, the world's Jiachou E buried.