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论起才干,他跟他哥哥不相上下,或许还有过之而无不及。In ability he equals and perhaps surpasses his brother.

一个城镇可能有的问题我们都有了——而且有过之而无不及。Whatever problem a town can have we have it-with knobs on.

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嫉妒的刺痛比蜜蜂蜇伤的痛有过之而无不及。The sting of jealousy is even worse than the sting of a bee.

但对故国的忠贞美德,公与郑氏相比,实乃有过之而无不及。But his loyalty to the subdued dynasty was no less than Zheng's.

看你现在做的呢,有过之而无不及。Look at what you are doing now. You are much worse than your father.

不过,e6还没有通过中国的安全检测,更不用说有过之而无不及的美国检验了。But the e6 still hasn't passed Chinese safety tests, let alone more stringent U.

今日之浐灞较国力有过之而无不及,好戏等着瞧吧!Today ba compares the national strength to go beyond, the good play waits to look!

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她们在给朋友写信时,其文笔之雅致与绝大多数作家相比均有过之而无不及。Their style, when they write to their friends, is better than that of most authors.

发生在美国的这次乳业事件,其严重程度与“三聚氰胺”相比有过之而无不及。Occurs in US's this dairying event, its order of severity compares with "the melamine" goes beyond.

站在一旁,他们脸上那种严肃刚毅的神情,比清教徒们还有过之而无不及。Stood apart, with countenances of inflexible gravity, beyond what even the Puritan aspect could attain.

这座宅邸是凯瑟琳宫的小复制版,但是其装潢的奢华真的是有过之而无不及!The palace is a small copy of the famous Catherine Palace, but the richness of its decoration is maybe even better!

增塑剂使用范围之广,污染面积之大,影响人数之多,比农药、DDT等有过之而无不及。Wide range of plasticizers use, pollution area large number of people affected than the pesticide, DDT, such as greater.

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望着满街穿着前卫的少男少女,我们开始表现出厌恶的表情,却忘了自己当年其实有过之而无不及。Looking at full girls wearing avant-courier, we began to show an expression of disgust, forgetting that actually more so.

据说凤姐此次参与电影也是收益匪浅,片酬相当可观,相比芙蓉有过之而无不及。Sister Feng is also said to act in the film of a great deal, which is quite substantial when compared with Sister Furong.

西部历年来都是高手林立,虎狼之地,而今年西部之争更是有过之而无不及。The West has always been the NBA's most competitive conference, but this year has entered a whole new wacky stratosphere.

而且Verizon已经有与Android手机打交道的经验,Android用户对数据服务的饥渴程度比iPhone用户有过之而无不及。And Verizon already has experience with Android phones, whose users are proving even more data-hungry than iPhone customers.

2000年的人口普查据说是在美国历史上和平时期最大的一次全民总动员,2010年的人普将有过之而无不及。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history. The 2010 census will be larger.

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但在我的生活环境里有些人做过的事情,他们的罪行,不论怎么说,与汉娜相比,都有过之而无不及。But what other people in my social environment had done, and their guilt, were in any case a lot less bad than what Hanna had done.

想象一下,你六七十岁的时候,智力、感情、身体比从前有过之而无不及,会是一个什么样子。Imagine what it would be like if you could continue to improve mentally, emotionally, and physically even into your sixties and seventies.

整个学期,和别处的学生相比,他们有过之而无不及,一心想要知道的就是需要背下什么以应付期中期末考试。Throughout the semesters, like students everywhere but more so, they wanted to know exactly what they needed to memorize for the mid-term and final.