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茱莉亚随口说了一句,紧接着又补上一句,“抱歉。”Julia blurted. “Sorry.”

他随口编了一个迟到的借口。He trotted out an excuse for being late.

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谈到市场的时候,我随口说出了那句话。Talking about markets. I flubbed the line.

他随口回答,他是从芝加哥过来的。He tells Bellick he was coming from Chicago.

这位职员向经理随口提了一条建议。The staff dropped a suggestion to the manager.

我随口编造了一个理由来解释我为什么没露面。I riffed up an excuse as to why I didn't show up.

我不知道基辛格是何许人,兴许随口问了。I didn't know who Henry Kissinger was, and I might have asked.

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对他来说这只是随口说说而已,她却很生气。She was very upset at what to him was just a throwaway remark.

那语气毫无诚意,显然是随口一提罢了。That tone has no a sincerity, obviously is freely a lift just.

这也可能是你以前随口问到的问题That used to be a question you could ask in quite some comfort.

通过人们随口之言就能从中了解许多。You can tell a lot about people by the casual remarks they make.

但是这些随口而出的客气话未能掩饰她话语中的不安。But her natural politeness could not hide the distress in her voice.

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我想正式地描述一下我之前随口说的事So I want to be formal about these things i've been mentioning informally.

我说剪贴-粘贴一张猫图片是随口开玩笑的,但是,要是您没这么干,那我一定是见鬼了。I was joking about the cut-and-paste kitty, but darned if you didn't do it.

魏公便打开了话匣子,随口讲起自己对风水的研究。Wei Gong opened the chatterbox, casually about their research on Feng shui.

于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.

艾琳议论亚历克西斯确是有口无心,她只不过是随口说说而已。Aling didn't mean what she said about Alexis. She was only making conversation.

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他随口说了这句话,仿佛他还在想着旁的事。He uttered the word indifferently, and as though his mind were on something else.

当他说话的时候,通常是随口说的几个不相关的词组。When he speaks, it is often to blurt out some phrase that hasno apparent relevance.

“让人闭嘴可比让人开口容易多了,”老虎说道,他“随口”就把这事儿解决了。"Easier to stop 'em than start 'em, " said the tiger, and he dealt with the matter.