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这次失败是由于我们缺乏远虑而造成的。The failure is the result of our lack of foresight.

每个过度开发的孩子背后,总有一个深思远虑的家长。Behind every overextended kid, there is a well-meaning parent.

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我是一个远虑的人,并且我有一种越快办完事越好的倾向。I’m a forward thinking person, and I have a tendency to want to get things done as soon as possible.

人过于远虑,也是错误,命运好似多环的锁链,一时只能应付一环。It is a mistake to took too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.

同样,它也需要新的体验,不断的回顾和与朋友间无忧远虑的交谈。The kind of perspective that requires new experiences, reflection, and carefree conversations with friends.

信奉人无远虑必有近忧,来保证事业的生命力。Believes in the human not to have the foresight to have the sorrow near at hand, guarantees enterprise's vitality.

“人无远虑,必有近忧”,我们有些国人好像要迟钝得多,尽管中国大部地区已经处于如此岌岌可危的环境险地。For centuries, China has been the most populous nation on earth, and people's impact on the environment is evident even in the most remote areas.

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随着世界人口数量多得荒谬而且能源危机也从远虑变成了近忧,地狱大门就要打开了。As the world becomes even more ridiculously overpopulated and the energy crisis changes from a long term problem to a short term problem, all hell will break loose.

穗辉利用优势资源,创造性地进行品牌,商品化开发经营,深思远虑,以未来之心,促现在之行,打造一流的灯具品牌。We take advantage of our resources to develop our products which are welcomed by the markets and We will work hard to create one of the best brands in this industry.

我们有远虑,也有近虑,这些打算都能达到可行,那就放手去干,所说的就是言必行,行必果。We have forethought, there is also near Lyu, these plan all ability attain can line, that let go to go to stem , say of be speech necessarily line, line necessarily fruit.

华府的一些人士则表露了另一个远虑,因为军事装备要用到稀土,中国此举等于切断了美国和其他一些国家的来源.A more distant worry voiced by some in Washington is that China could cut off the United States and other potential rivals of access to minerals used in military equipment.