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白虎纹空心砖。Hollow brick with tiger design.

用空心砖,因为比较轻,不会造成楼板开裂。Hollow brick, for it is light which will not cause cracking.

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塔高32米,是六面九层空心砖塔。The tower height 32 meters, are six nine hollow brick towers.

楼板计划用空心砖或轻骨料建造。The floors are to be built with hollow tiles or with lightweight aggregate.

三月的一个晚上,瓦尔多和我坐在空心砖房子前面的草地上。One May evening, Waldo and I sat on the lawn in front of the cinder-block house.

也有其它尺寸的异型粘土砖,如空心砖等。There are other dimensions of heteromorphosis clay bricks, hollow blocks, such as.

东汉时,空心砖骤然减少,终至绝迹。When to Eastern Han Dynasty, the hollow brick reduces suddenly, results in vanishes.

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提出了混凝土空心砖砌体的抗剪强度计算公式。Furthermore, the shear strength formula of concrete hollow brick masonry is proposed.

用我厂真空砖机生产的各种型号空心砖。All sorts of hollow bricks using the vacuum brick extruding press produced by our factory.

介绍了采用多点空气耦合爆破拆除技术对空心砖结构实施定向爆破。The demolition of hollow brick structure by multi point air coupling blasting is introduced.

焕文塔原为七级六角形楼阁式空心砖石塔,高19米,1994年重修。Huanwen tower was seven hexagonal pavilions hollow brick tower, 19 meters high, the 1994 restoration.

多孔砖、空心砖也应用于大同市和同煤集团的建筑行业中。Porous brick, hollow brick and the same also applied to Datong Coal Group in the construction industry.

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墓葬建筑中的空心砖画像是本文研究的重点。This dissertation intends to make a particular study of the images on the hollow bricks in tomb buildings.

通过试验研究了混凝土空心砖砌体的抗剪强度。Through experiments, the shear strength of concrete hollow brick masonry has been researched in this paper.

计算机和其他设备以及跑步机和固定自行车在一个粉刷过空心砖的房间里共用一片地方。Computers and other equipment share space with a treadmill and stationary bikes in a room of painted cinder block.

是生产免烧砖、空心砖、加气混凝土、砌块生产线设备的专业厂。Production Mian Shaozhuan, hollow bricks, aerated concrete, block production line of professional equipment factory.

适用于以页岩石、煤矸石、粉煤灰为原料生产、砌块砖、矩形砖、高孔洞率空心砖。The machine applies to pages of rock, coal gangue, fly ash as raw materials to produce high holes rate of hollow bricks.

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该机适用于生产实心砖高孔洞率大断面各种孔型的空心砖。This machine is used to produce. solid bricks and hollow bricks. great of holes and large section in all size of hole style.

生产锰渣砌块的经济效益及使用效果均优于粘土空心砖和加气混凝土。The economic benefit and application result of producing Mn slag block are better than clay hollow brick and aerated concrete.

新型制砖机适用于生产实心砖高孔洞率大断面各种孔型的空心砖。This machine is used to produce solid bricks hollow bricks with great quantities of holes large section in all size of hole style.