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它是一个“想望”还是“需要”呢?Is it a 'want' or a 'need'?

我们想望有车有房。We dreamed of having a car and a house.

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他一直想望当一名汽车司机。How would it suit me to be a bus-driver?

他想望在政府行政机关里谋到一个职位。He desired to obtain a position in the Civil Service.

你幻想鲸豚对湛蓝海域的想望。You imagined whales' and dolphins' fancy of blue water.

诸天与世人,想望吉祥、希求安宁。Desiring well-being. Tell, then, the highest good fortune.

对良好健康的珍视和想望是我们人类本性的一部分。It is part of our human nature to value and desire good health.

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很多青年人都想望得到一辆克莱斯勒公司的车子,因为它是热门货。A lot of young people had wanted a Chrysler because it was a hot item.

想望耶和华日子来到的有祸了。Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you?

她决不会再得到更接近于她所想望的东西了。She would never get anything that more closely resembled what she wanted.

不过说不定我能逮住一条掉队的,说不定我想望的大鱼就在它们周围转游着。But perhaps I will pick up a stray and perhaps my big fish is around them.

由于要缴纳多种的和沉重的捐税,他们永远不能想望担任政治职务。Subjected to numerous and heavy taxes, they could never aspire to political office.

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凡我能想望,能安慰我的事情,我不盼望在今世得,只望在后世得。WHATEVER I can desire or imagine for my own comfort I look for not here but hereafter.

泪打湿了散落一地的钱,他终于不再想望,弯着腰孤苦伶仃的离去。Tears wet the scattered money, he was finally no longer desire, bent lonely and helpless.

让我们不寻求满足我们的非常想望自由由喝从这杯苦味和敌意。Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

面包甜点烘焙坊及巧克力外卖专区,每天满足您最新鲜、甜美的想望!Take out daily fresh baked breads , pastries and chocolates and satisfy that sweet tooth. You deserve it!

此一过程并且揭橥了第三世界国家对于现代化的想望身成,以及设计在过程中所扮演的角色。Furthermore, this straitened process demonstrates the desire of being a 'modern' nation in the Third world.

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并且他们所作的,不但照我们所想望的,更照神的旨意,先把自己献给主,又归附了我们。And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.

摩西忍受一生的困苦,「因他想望所要得的赏赐。」Moses endured a life of problems "because he was looking ahead to his reward." Paul endured hardship the same way.

想望耶和华日子来到的有祸了。你们为何想望耶和华的日子呢。那日黑暗没有光明。Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.