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升高,-你确定?Higher. -Really?

如果你确定的话。If you are sure.

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还不确定。Itas not certain.

我到现在还不确定。I’m not sure yet.

你确定?,-嗯。Oh really? -Uhmm.

确定关键链。Identify key chain.

答案是,我不太确定。Answer,I'm not sure.

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你确定了吗?Have you ascertained?

嗯,我不确定MBA。Well, I'm not sure MBA.

赖德对此并不确定。Peter Ryder is not sure.

哪个来确定整个乐曲的拍Who is playing the beat?

有一件事是确定的。One thing is for certain.

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不过随着新琥珀化石的发现,这一论断变得不再确定。That’s no longer certain.

也许吧,但我尚无法确定。Maybe, but I'mnot sure yet.

不确定什么事必须的?Not sure what that entails?

这一点,我们是可以确定的。Of that, we can be certain.

再一次你的荣冠被确定。Once more thy crown is set.

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确定蜘蛛的数量。Pick the number of spiders.

所以它没有在确定正典书目。So it didn't set the canon.

送货到门,但没有确定。Delivery not to door but OK.