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这两部小说差得太远了,怎么能等量齐观呢?How can you equate one with the other?

幸福和财富不能等量齐观。One can not identify happiness with wealth.

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一只银匙完全不能与十年狱中生活等量齐观。A silver spoon is simply not worth 10 years of any person's life.

人们把会使用计算机与人生胜利等量齐观。People agree sucassessment in life with the capacity of opeappraisement computer.

如果这种情节完全发生,西方犯的错误就该和俄罗斯等量齐观了。Were this scenario to play out, it would be as much the West's fault as Russia's.

人们把会使用计算机与人生胜利等量齐观。People agree sucassessment in life with the adeptness of opeappraisement computer.

但是在软件建设方面,我们看不到与硬体建设等量齐观的进步。However, we do not see improvement in software on a par with that in hardware there.

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就好象物之于影,它们也具有同生性,但却不可以等量齐观的。As if things in the shadow, they also have the same naturally, but can not equate to.

这两部小说差得太远了,怎么能等量齐观呢?。There is a world of difference between these two novels. How can you equate one with the other?

最终的书达十二卷之多,几乎与一整套旧式百科全书等量齐观。The final books add up to twelve volumes, or about the size of an entire old-style encyclopedia.

对中国而言,作为大国的经济法体系的建构与小国的经济法体系的建构不可等量齐观。As China is a Major Power in the world, the construction of its economic law system is very different from that of small countries.

但是由于各自的刑法意义不同,相应地在刑法理论和立法中对两者进行取舍、权衡时也不能等量齐观。On account of their different criminal law significance, they should not be equated either in theory or in legislation of criminal law.

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荀子的“智”有不同等级之分,“智德”并非只是作为辅“仁”的次德,而是与“仁德”等量齐观的主德。"Prudence" is not only as a secondary "benevolence" of the meeting and Germany, but with the "Rende" the same weight as the main meaning.

无论是人的肌肤还是世界的肌肤,在李天元的关注下,变得等量齐观起来,而且具备了相互转化的可能。Whether it is a person's skin or the world's skin, under Li's focus they become equal, and now have the possibility to transform into each other.

加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿的热量等量齐观。It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.

由于加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观。It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.

联合国表示,就财产损失和受灾人数而言,目前,巴基斯坦洪灾的危害程度已经与5年前造成7.3万人遇难的克什米尔地震"等量齐观"。The UN said the disaster was, in terms of damage caused and the people in need, now "on a par" with the 2005 Kashmir earthquake which killed 73,000.

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由于加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观。It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push so me of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.

但他们可以给我们一个机会来定义自己的人生,这个机会比那等量齐观的婚姻规则要自由得多。Rather, they have offered us an opportunity to order our lives in ways that have given us greater freedom than can be found in the one-size-fits-all rules of marriage.

可事实上,恰恰是这个观念导致西方不能理解其他文明的本质,让人们陷入了将西方与非西方等量齐观的错误。However, it is a conception which developed out of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, out of the mistake of measuring them all with a Western yardstick.