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溺水的人连稻草也要抓。A drowning man plucks at a straw.

他救起了他那溺水的朋友。He saved his friend from drowning.

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溺水的人狂呼救命。The drowning man shouted for help.

溺水的人连一根麦杆也会牢牢抓住。A drowne man will catch at a straw.

那个溺水的女孩子大声呼救。The drowning girl shouted for help.

那个溺水者使劲抓住一根树枝。The drowning man grasped at a branch.

我们会不会试图去救一名溺水者?Would we try to save a drowning person?

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他上周救活了一个溺水的儿童。He reanimated a drowned child last week.

怎样防止中提琴手溺水?How do you keep a violist from drowning?

那个溺水的小阿被一个渔夫救了。The drowning child was saved by a fisher.

他冒险去救那个溺水的儿童。He periled his life to save the drowning boy.

希望别有会员在你离岗的时候溺水哈。I do hope no members drowned in your absence.

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一个过路人跳进水里救起那溺水的男子。A pass-by dived in and saved the drowning man.

他是溺水而死的,这只是一场意外。He was drowned and the drowning was an accident.

年龄是溺水的主要危险因素之一。Age is one of the major risk factors for drowning.

待到狗溺水,众人给水喝。When a dog is drowning,every one offers him drink.

他因救助溺水者而博得众人的尊敬。Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all.

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俗话说,溺水人连一根稻草也抓住不放。As the saying goes, a drowning man clutches at a straw.

救生员把溺水者的头托出水面。The lifeguard held the drowning man's head above water.

他牺牲自己的性命去拯救溺水的孩子。E. g. He sacrificed his life to save the drowning child.