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今天,我们很欣赏这种似乎不循章法的笔触Today we venerate this seemingly unruly brush strokes

高低句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。Move logically from one idea to the next. Don't skip steps.

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其章法多是信手拈来,随意而成,极为简括大气。The tricks are mostly handy, free from, the atmosphere is very nutshell.

这些异常情况导致的结果是,我们目前没有章法可循。As a result of these exceptional conditions, we have no guidelines to follow.

“章法”是明清小说评点家从传统“小学”引进的结构概念。It is imported by Ming-Qing scholars of novel critique from the Chinese linguistics.

当然,安德森的猴子们纯粹是不动脑筋地毫无章法地敲着键盘。Of course, Anderson's monkeys aren't exercising any discretion as they pound the keyboard.

组成一个新的家庭,把各个成员从不同的方向汇聚在一起并没有统一的章法。There's no real script for a new family that's being pulled together from all sorts of directions.

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电子签章、电子认证以至电子签章法应运而生。Electronic signature, electronic certification and the law of electronic signature appear accordingly.

电子认证法律制度在电子签章法中具有重要地位。The legal system of electronic certificate plays an important role in the law of electronic signature.

杜甫律诗的章法,因题材不同而表现为不同的格局。Art of composition of Du Fu's metrical verses show different structures because of different materials.

陷溺于这些息息相关的活动的DRDO已经毫无章法、忘却了本人的主要义务。DRDO by indulging in such irrelevant activities lost its focus and sight of its primary responsibility.

独奏需要速度,但是不要给人以你只是毫无章法的乱敲的印象。Solos need to be fast but do not give the impression that you are just hitting drums without structure.

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她问这些是什么意思?她是在他们身上使用心理学呢,还是她本来就是这样毫无章法?。What did this have to do with any-thing? Was she using psychology on them, OR was she just plain clueless?

萧先生郑重推介此书,且逐词评说其章法体例。Professor Hsiao highly recommended this book and provided detailed annotation on its organization and style.

演讲者的说话没有章法和逻辑,从一个地方跳到另一个地方,这会让听众很痛苦。It's painful to listen to a speaker who jumps from one place to another without any apparent rhyme or reason.

当我第一次开始写作,我的词藻都很书面,后来词汇量多了,但很杂乱,毫无章法。When I first started writing, my words were very literal. Later they were rich, but wispy, hardly there at all.

传统的篆刻技法除篆法、章法、刀法之外还有做印法。In addition to the traditional carving techniques seal method, the rules, knife there to do outside of India Act.

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这可能是数年至数十年的周期以来气候骤然变向的诸多方面之一,而且看似毫无章法。It may be one of many aspects of the climate that flop around, seemingly at random, over periods of years to decades.

跑动中和退后中的准星是分散到最大,如同一直持枪扫射一般毫无章法。Running and back of the front sight isdecentralized to the maximum, as has been generally no methodicalness gun fire.

它成了资本主义的代表符号,开辟出不同于其他食品饮料产业的创新贸易章法。It has become emblematic of capitalism and trade in a way that other parts of the food and beverage industry have not.